
Showing posts from March, 2022

Healthy drinks

 Healthy drinks for summer - 1. By consuming buttermilk in summer, the body will get nutrients like vitamins A, B, C, E and K which will keep the health good.  2. Coconut water, rich in vitamins and minerals, keeps the body hydrated.  Consuming it prevents dehydration in summer. 3. Lemon water quenches thirst as well as keeps immunity strong.  Cools the body in summer.  4. To keep the body hydrated in summer, consume fruit juice. 5. You can also consume milk shake to quench thirst in summer. 6. Vitamin A is very good in Aam Panna which is considered very beneficial for our eyes.  Drinking mango water is beneficial in anemia.  Mango juice acts as a tonic in anemia.  7. Watermelon is high in water and does not feel hungry soon after eating it.  Watermelon also contains lycopene which also protects the skin from sun damage. 8. Sugarcane juice is rich in calcium, potassium, iron and magnesium. 9. This sorbet contains healthy ingredients like iron...


 There should be time to think for good thoughts.  In today's time no one gets time to think. You can use the time to think good thoughts before going to sleep at night. After waking up in the morning, didn’t get up at once and  Always keep your mind on pure thoughts. then start your day. While working, if we think about the situation and difficulty at that time.  So our brain gives better results about. We can use the time left to reflect on great ideas. First of all you have to be positive to think good.  When you create positive thinking.  good thoughts will start coming in your mind. People with Negative Thinking will never let you think well. Books have a profound effect on our thoughts.  We get pure and good thoughts only from books.


 Mint contains protein, carbohydrate, fat and fiber.  It also contains amounts of potassium, magnesium, phosphorous, calcium, vitamin C, iron and vitamin A.  It also contains some important antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds.Mint is used in many forms in Indian kitchen.  Be it making raita with fresh curd or chutney. Due to these properties it is good for curing upset stomach and is also beneficial in case of indigestion and constipation. The process of accelerating metabolism is responsible for weight loss. Leave the paste of crushed leaves and honey on it for 20 minutes and then wash it with warm water. It does not cause pimples on the skin. It is considered better to consume mint in the summer season to avoid heatstroke or dehydration. Consumption of leaves would have been helpful for relieving shortness of breath.

Good thoughts

 Good thoughts    1. Never say sorry to everyone, who likes you.    2. Never say goodbye to someone who needs you.    3. Never doubt the one who trusts you more than himself.    4. Never forget the one  who always  remember you.    5. Never make him cry, who has cried himself seeing you cry.

Pot water

 One should not drink refrigerator water in summer because drinking cold water causes sore throat. Drinking pot water is good for health.  There is no gas in the stomach and it remains cold in the stomach. Keeps blood pressure under control. Iron deficiency is removed. Drinking pot water also makes the skin glow. Drinking water from a pitcher does not cause heatstroke. The water kept in the pot cools down due to the process of evaporation and the more evaporation is, the more the water cools down. There are very small holes on the surface of the pot.  Due to which there is always wetness on the surface of the pitcher. Keep the pot in a shady place so that its water remains cool throughout the day. Always keep the pot covered.

Good evening

 Relationships are made by contemplation, not by words, some people are not their own even after many things And some become their own even by remaining calm. So much trouble with relationships only they were to live in oblivion get used to.  Two things are special in life, One time and another love, no one has time and Love doesn't happen to everyone.  If someone expects from you,  So this is not his compulsion. love for you And there are beliefs.


 Tilak is considered to be God's offering, which when applied on the forehead showers divine grace and increases the happiness and good fortune of the person. To control the mind, it is necessary to keep the mind calm, so apply white colored tilak on  helps to keep your mind cool. Puts on Red colored vermilion tilak , due to which the frustration generated in the mind will end and you will get energy, due to which you will accelerate in doing your work. To increase the intelligence of the mind, applying dry vermilion tilak is very beneficial. Apply red color or vermilion tilak, which will remove stress as well as get material comfort. Red sandalwood or Hari by applying  sandalwood se so that Vishnu will keep his trust on you and with increasing respect, independence develops. Applying tilak containing turmeric purifies the skin.For positive thinking in the mind and to purify the mind, grind sandalwood wood and mix saffron paste in it and apply tilak.

The fingers

 The cure for some disease is hidden in the fingers.      1. Index finger - It is attached to the intestine.  If there is stomach pain, it will keep the finger light, the pain will be gone.    2. The third  finger - is associated with mood.  To de-stress and get peace, massage and stretch the fingers. The mood will blossom.  3. Thumb - This is attached to the Lung, when the heartbeat is fast, massage the thumb with your hand.    4. Middle finger - is connected with circulation.  In dizziness and restlessness, it on the finger will give relief.    5. Little finger - is connected to kidney and head. pressing the finger cure headache and kidney.

Copper metal

Copper metal  water benefits from drink. Keeps blood pressure under control.  Cholesterol works.  Prevents the risk of heart attack.  Copper keeps water pure. Drinking copper water does not cause skin problems.  There is no gas in the stomach.  Stomach pain is fine. Gets relief from stomach problems. If you use copper utensils, keep cleaning them regularly. Drinking lemon water in a copper vessel can prove to be very harmful for health.  Lemon contains acid which reacts with copper in reverse on health. With the help of a magnet, the purity of copper can be detected.  Try putting a magnet on a copper kalash , glass or bottle.  If it sticks then the copper is adulterated.  The color of real copper is pinkish-orange. Water should be offered to Suraj Dev in a copper vessel.

Good morning

 love and luck never go together  Because those who are destined never fall in love. And the one we love is not destined.   There are two sides to everyone's life.  The first happiness which is visible to all and the second misery which no one wants to see, but this is the aspect which teaches us to live.   One who walks on the path of truth definitely has to face trouble in his life, but God never lets his boat sink.   It is true that no one has time to help others, but everyone has time to hinder others' work.

veins blockage

 When the blood does not reach all the parts of the body, then many kinds of problems start in the body.  The main reason for the blockage in blood circulation is the blockage in the veins. Yoga and exercise should be done.  Eat almonds.  Pomegranates are high in antioxidants and nitrates, which help to relax and open up blood vessels. Take vitamin C and B for veins power. Stay away from foods that cause weight gain. Due to excessive stress, eating unhealthy food and doing more physical activity, the nerves start getting weak. Take turmeric in hot milk or eat it by mixing honey and turmeric. Vein block opens. Spinach contains potassium, folate and fiber.  It lowers blood pressure and prevents blockage of arteries. Heart block opens.

Aloe Vera

 Aloe Vera  1. Slices an aloe Vera leave length wise and remove the inner pulp and use it as a gentle  scrub in the shower.  2. Av appled  to a sunburn will sooth it quickly as it contains properties smilar  to menthol.  3. Apply to minor frostbite for relief.  4. Taken orally, it also help reduce cholesterol and triglycerides levels for a healthy heart.  5. Drink av juice to relieve gastrointestinal issues. It soothers your intestines.

Good thought

 Now I don't let anyone come near, I let everyone stay away, I listen silently whatever they say about me, I let them say. No matter how much you do good for someone, it falls short, leaving you behind alone and moving forward. You can keep mineral water, juice, Do not throw empty cold drink bottles by filling them with water Keep it in the fridge. Every day when you leave the house, take it with you and Go catching some poor people on the road.” It would be nice to have a look”  Live such a life that even if someone does evil to you No one should believe him.

Benefits of turmeric

 Health Benefits of Turmeric Raw turmeric, which looks like ginger, is full of anti-inflammatory properties which treats many diseases. Raw turmeric found in cold days is very beneficial for health. Turmeric is used to improve the digestive system, reduce inflammation. Calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc and many types of vitamins are found in raw turmeric. Raw turmeric can be used instead of powdered turmeric in face packs. Turmeric in milk and Turmeric can be helpful in reducing body pain and inflammation. Turmeric has antiseptic and antibiotic properties. In Hinduism, turmeric is used in worship or while doing any auspicious work. In Vastu Shastra, planting a turmeric plant in the house is said to be very auspicious because it strengthens the relations in the family along with bringing happiness and prosperity in the house. The taste of turmeric is hot.

City and village

 There is a lot of difference between a village and a city.  Pollution is less in the village whereas there is a lot of pollution in the city. Shops are less in villages and shops and malls are more in cities. The fun of sleeping on the terrace at night in the village is something else and the stars look clean.  eat food on roof.  Enjoys being with family. Can't sleep on the roof in the city because there is pollution.  Can't sleep the sound of cars. Fruits and vegetables are available at low rates in the village and expensive in the city. Hospital facilities are mostly available in cities.  But in rural areas, one has to travel miles and miles by unpaved roads to reach the hospital. People have to face a lot of difficulties in getting most of the basic facilities like schools, medical, electricity, media and employment etc. in the village. Greenery all around the village, greenery fields, trees, rivers, animals  but animals are less in the city. ...

Good thought

 Love is such an experience that never lets a man give up. And hatred is such an experience that never lets a man win. The biggest truth of life is that;  We know what we are living for, but we never know who is living for us.  On that day all our troubles will end, on which day we will be sure that all our work is done by the will of God. Breaking the coconut in the temple tells that first of all we remove the husk  of the coconut, it is our desire, which is to be removed first.  Then his break the hard part, this is our ego, which is very important to remove.  Then water has come out,  we have negative thoughts inside us. After leaving comes again Pure White Guri.  "Which is a symbol of the soul" without removing desire, ego and negative thinking, we cannot meet God.

God Sheetla Ma

 Mataji Sheetla loves stale food.  People take stale food as prasad on the day of Sheetla  Ashtami.  It is said that on the day of Shree Sheetla Ashtami, the stove is not lit in the houses and it is the custom to take only cooked food at night on that day.  Sheetla Mata ji is worshipped.  In another plate, a garland of roli rice, mehndi, lamp, turmeric, lachha (moli), clothes, Holi garland.  Eight days after Holi, the festival of Shri Sheetla Ashtami is celebrated.  There is a tradition of offering cold or stale food to Mataji Sheetla Devi on this.  Mataji Sheetla Devi is the wife of Lord Shiva.  Take a bath with cold water.  Donate to the poor.  Due to winter and summer, there is a risk of getting many types of seasonal diseases.  Hence the tradition of eating cold food has been created.

Food rules

 food rules    1. One should eat quietly while eating.    2. The food served should not be condemned.  No matter how tasty the food is, it should be served at home with love.    3. Light food should be taken at night.    4. Be very tired and eat after taking rest.  Eating in fatigue worsens health.  5. Do not give your false food  to anyone.    6. Do not drink tea or water after having a meal.    7. One who eats on credit, eats on demand and eat stealing it then he gets bad deeds.     8. Food should not be taken in tension, fatigue and haste.     9. Eating food without hunger encourages many diseases.  Therefore, do not eat food until you feel hungry or until the food is completely digested.  10. One should walk after having food.


 Everything is not achieved by stubbornness in life, Man is not happy with what he gets. God never writes anyone's fate, our thinking, our behavior and ours at every step in life.  Karma writes our destiny. God pleases with intention and man by appearance  it's up to you  who do you want to please. appreciate those people  who wants you unnecessarily because the caregivers in the world  less and more hurting.

Hair loss

 To control Hair loss  Yoghurt :  yoghurt -3 tsps Honey - 2 tsps Lemon juice - 6 drops Fenugreek:  Yoghurt- 2 tsps  Honey - 2 tsps  Fenugreek- 2 tsps Onion :  onion juice - 3 tsps  Honey - 2 tsps Rose water - 2 tsps Egg:  Egg- 2 Lemon juice- 5 drops  Honey - 2 tsps  Potato:  Potato- 1 tsp Honey - 2 tsp  Lemon juice- 5 drops

Good afternoon

  The afternoon sun will remind you. The smell of hot hot food will continue. No matter how much morning breakfast. Hunger will continue without afternoon lunch.. Those who cannot change their thinking cannot change anything.    There are dreams of victory in the eyes, it seems, now every moment of life is yours.  It is very difficult to understand life. Any    stay away from loved ones for the sake of dreams and some stay away from dreams for the sake of loved ones.   Afternoon is the middle of the day, it is the time to complete our essential work and move on in life.

Detox water

 Five detox waters to cleanse your liver. 1. Strawberry spa water. Ingredients - strawberry ,ice, water. 2.Apple, cinnamon, detox water. Ingredients- apple, cinnamon, ice , water. 3. Natural belly- slimming detox water. Ingredients- cucumber, lemon , mint, ice and water. 4. Cranberry detox water.  Ingredients- cranberry juice, lemon, dandelion tea and water.  5. Flat belly detox water. Ingredients - water melon, mint and water.


 Oats are not only tasty to eat but also healthy. Oats have different type of name. Contains fibre, magnesium, complex carbohydrates etc. Oats are a light meal and can be mixed with milk, curd or juice of your choice.  Get relief from high blood pressure.  It is Suitable for diabetic. There is advantage for the Heart patients. Weight is lose. Does not get constipated. Oats are beneficial in problems like dizziness, heart palpitations due to increased heat in the body, because its nature is cold.


 When blood flow stops in a part of the brain, damage to that part of the brain occurs, causing paralysis. There is a deficiency of vitamin B-12 and B complex in the body. The number of patients of brain stroke and paralysis increases during the winter season. Eat green leafy vegetables like spinach, drumstick, cabbage and broccoli. The paralyzed patient should be given daily soaked dates in milk. This starts curing the paralysis.  The combination of these two is very beneficial for the patient. You should drink juice. Mix black pepper and ghee and massage it. Paralysis is good by eating onions.  Applying basil leaves, curd and rock salt mixed well ends paralysis. Massage by heating mustard oil and garlic. Eat bitter gourd vegetable. Hot milk and turmeric  drink it. Avoid eating heavy food like chickpeas, rajma, urad gram, peas, soybean, brinjal, jackfruit etc.

Vitamin d food

 Vitamin d deficiency is very common / organic. Vitamin d food - 1. Whole milk  2. Beef liver 3. Cereal  4. Oatmeal  5. Orange juice  6. oysters  7. Eggs  8. Mashrooms  9. Gost cheese  10. Swiss cheese  11. Pork tenderloin  12. Canned salmon  13. Cod liver oil 14. Sardines  15. Shrimp  16. Butter 17. Chocolate milk  18. Tofu

Golden rule

 golden rule    Less:    1. Speak less.    2. Reduce complaining.    3. Don't keep thinking.    4. Reduce doubts.    5. Reduce being sad.    6. Don't hate.    7. Don’t waste money.     8. Avoid doing fast food.    9. Don't be lazy.    More:    1. Learn To listen.     2. Keep Motivated.     3. Start taking action.    4. Learn to believe.     5. Be energy.    6. Keep smiling.    7. love everyone.     8. Save money.    9. Eat healthy food.

My time and my will

 The hustle and bustle of office or kitchen, take some time out for yourself. There are different options for spending time.    1. Do not cook food in the kitchen and Oder the food of your choice. Enjoy with family.     2. Start the day with Surya Namaskar or go for a walk with a friend.    3. Any learn to driving scooty or car. Join  Driving School.    5. Pay attention to your health.  Do the necessary check ups.    6. Sometimes surprise to meet your friend and give  a gift.    7. Play sports with family for some time.    8. Look at the photos in the old album and miss seeing  old photos.    9. Care of the garden. Adorn home with plants that give oxygen.  Plant fruit trees around the house.    10. Do meditation.

Water melon

 Water melon is considered good to eat in summer as it fulfills the lack of water in the body. Watermelon contains many nutrients like potassium, riboflavin, iron, calcium, zinc, fiber, niacin, iron, vitamin-A, C, B and lycopene, which work to maintain our health. Agriculture is mainly done in Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan. Eating watermelon causes weight  loss. Keeps digestion healthy. Watermelon should never be eaten at night.  By the way, it can be eaten anytime of the day. eating watermelon cools the mind. Consumption of watermelon is helpful in enhancing the beauty along with maintaining freshness and moisture in your skin.

Good morning

 Eyes also have to be opened for the light, Darkness doesn't go away only when the sun comes out. it is necessary to be with loved ones,  If there is happiness then it increases and. If you are sad, it is divided. What is the condition of asking recently?  it turns out fine.  It's just comforting that this crowd in a world full someone's own.


 Dengue cause is headache, to vomit, body pain. Papaya leaf juice is very effective in dengue fever. Take hot milk  and turmeric .  Drink Amla  juice. Take Mix honey and basil. Take vitamin c. Must drink vegetable soup and fruits. Do not allow water to accumulate in coolers, ACs, pots and tires etc. in and around your home. Keep water tanks covered properly. Install nets on windows and doors. Spray Kale Hit in all the corners of the house twice a day. Remember that even a single mosquito can make you a dengue patient.


 Best  ways use honey  Clear skin - Use honey us a natural cleaner or a mask to clear  acne.  Good sleep- take 1 tsp  of honey before bed for better sleep.  Cough remedy - honey is the best remedy for  dry as well as wet  cough. Dameged hair - mix honey with  Olive oil and apply on your hair.    Weight loss - make a weghit loss drink with honey and apple cider vinegar.


 Compulsion comes in everyone's life.  When it comes, it gives a feeling of weakness.  No one understands the helplessness of man in this world.  Some people's compulsion is really a compulsion, while some people's helplessness is an excuse.  The person whose heart it is good to win in life is not, the fate of this person is equally bad. Sometimes the heart wants, all the tensions end, and childhood comes back again. The desire will not be reduced even for a lifetime, even time will never be solved.  Still we are living is in years, compulsion which are there today, may not be there tomorrow.


 There should be friends in every person's life. There should be a good habit in the quality of a friend. Everyone Share  each other. These people talk about their mind. Do not show your demerits in front of others.  Praise your friend in front of everyone.  Friend don’t  leave bad times together and help in bad times.  In Friendship comes  happiness and sorrow.  True friends believe in us. The things which we are not able to say to anyone, we easily tell it to friends, whether it is a matter of love or something else. A friend is a person who plays a very important role in our life. It is difficult to make friends these days because there is no trust in anyone and friends should be made thoughtfully. Friends tell our mistakes so that they can learn from we mistakes.


 Basil plant is considered sacred in Hinduism and people plant it on the patio or door of their house or in the garden.Shoes and slippers should not be kept near the Basil  plant.  Basil leaves should not be broken without bathing. Water should be given to basil every morning.  Tulsi should not be plucked on Sundays.  Worship should be done daily in the evening. The worship of Lord Vishnu and Lord Krishna is considered incomplete without basil. Apart from this, basil is also used in some form or the other in Allopathy, Homeopathy and   medicines. It is used to treat many diseases. God Tulsi ji is considered to be the form of Goddess Lakshmi. 

Good though

 Good thought love only your work and  do it to god,  because these two Don't cheat. walk with time  not necessarily, True come together one day will go with you. You must believe those people,  Those who believe in themselves. Life should be lived on its own terms,  At the behest of others, even lions dance in the circus. Prayer never goes empty,  people just don't wait.

Benefits of ginger

 Benefits of Ginger  1.  relieves pain.  2. Reduces inflammation. 3. Aids  in digestion.  4.  Creat for detoxification.  5. Normalizes  heart rate.  6. Increases energy levels.  7. Lowers  blood pressure.  8. Is a good  source of amino acid  Cysteine.  9. Burns fat. 10. Is a powerful antioxidant.

Types of tea

 There are different types of tea.   Black tea- Black tea is called tea without milk  and add sugar in it. Mint tea - Boil mint leaves in water and add honey.  It is used to improve digestion. Masala tea-  Some people drink  masala tea. In this, boli water tea, sugar, cardamom, clove, ginger, black pepper, lentil sugar.  Drinking tea does not cough . Lemon tea -  For this, tea leaves are kept in hot water for two to three minutes.  After filtering it, lemon juice is added to it.  Then sugar or honey, mint, dry ginger powder, black salt etc. are mixed in whatever they like. Iced tea - Some people drink iced tea i.e. chilled chai in the fridge.  To make it, chai leaves are kept in hot water.  Then it is filtered.  When it cools down, lemon juice, sugar etc. is mixed in it and kept in the fridge to cool down. Drink it after it is chilled.  Ice cubes can be put in it.

Good morning

 A beautiful life doesn't just happen.  It is created daily through prayer, humility, sacrifice and love.   Good morning!


 There are many causes of  headache. To have sleep,   tension, to be due to fever and more is problem. Apply ice pack. Take hot water and lemon juice.  Use acupressure. Apart from this, headaches can also be caused due to high blood pressure, sleep apnea and brain tumor. There are different types of headache.  Lack of water causes headache and should drink more water.  Massage with almond oil or clove oil. Headache occurs due to gas and for that take Eno.

Happy holi

 The people of India celebrate the festival of colors with enthusiasm and great gaiety.  Celebrate the victory of good over evil. This festival is celebrated to commemorate the death of Holika. sister of Hiranyakashipu. Playing Holi increases love and celebrates happiness by applying color to each other. The color  played on the day of Holi enhances mutual love and harmony. Before playing Holi, apply sun screen on your skin and apply oil on your hair.   Happy holi


 Carbohydrate, dietary fiber, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus are mainly found in cardamom. By eating cardamom, the body means the blood pressure remains right.    Eating daily keeps digestion right.  Cardamom should be eaten when Hijki comes. Weakness of eyes is removed. Cardamom has a cooling effect, so its water is very beneficial in summer.


1. Those people are more happy, whose mind is true and heart is good. 2. On whom Radha respects,  On which Radha is proud. This is the same Krishna that Radha,  hearts are everywhere. 3. complaints are there for all from this life.  But those who want to live in peace.  He hides his pain. 4. Appreciate those who you do,  wanting without meaning,  Few who care in the world,  And there are more tormentors.

benefits of orange

 benefits of orange      Eating orange purifies the blood in the body.      Grinding orange peel and applying it on the skin does not cause pimples.      Constipation is not caused by eating orange after eating and before sleeping at night.      Eating oranges daily provides relief in jaundice.

Nuts chart

 100 calories nuts chart Almond -24  Pecan halves -10 Brazil  nuts - 3 Macadamias-5 Cashew-10 Peanut - 17 Pine nuts- 77 Pistachio -30

Dark circles

 For dark circles  grind tomatoes and mix gram flour and lemon juice and make a paste and apply on the face.     Mix potato and lemon juice and apply it around the eyes with cotton.     Mix cucumber juice and rose water and apply it by dipping it in cotton.     Cut a capsule of olive oil and vitamin E and extract its juice after mix and apply.


 The most sugar  Mangoes : one mango is 45 g of sugar.  grapes,: one cup is 23g  of sugar.  cherries: one cup is 18g of sugar.  pears: one medium pear  is 17g of sugar.  watermelon: a medium wedge is 17g  of sugar. banana: one medium banana is 14g of sugar.  Less sugar  Strawberries: one cup is 7g of sugar . avocados: one avocados 1/2 g of sugar. guava: one cup is 5g of sugar.  raspberries : one cup is 5g of sugar.  cantaloupe : one medium wedge is 5  of sugar. papaya.: 1/2 a small of one is 6g.

Eat fruits every day

 Eat fruits every day  Strawberries -  fight aging.  Cherries -        calm your nerves.  Pineapple -     relive arthritis pain.  Water melons-   promote  weghit loss. Apple -             help resist infection.  Banana-         boost your energy.  Grapes -       relax  your  blood  vessels.  Blueberries-   strengthen your heart. Ya  Orange-       Protect  your skin and vision.

Aryan deficiency

 Feeling very tired is one of the most common symptoms of iron deficiency. To be Shortness of Breath and Heart Palpitations. Headache and dizziness can be a sign of iron deficiency. Iron deficiency is removed by the consumption of spinach and green. vegetables. Beetroot should be eaten everyday in the form of salad with food.  Beetroot has the highest amount of hemoglobin. Dry fruits should be eaten.  should take beetroot and pomegranate juice. Eating jaggery is a native way to overcome iron deficiency. Hemoglobin increases by taking lemon juice and honey. Spinach is rich in vitamins A, C, B9, iron, fiber and calcium.

Bad habits

bad habits  1. Speak out of someone's words is also a bad habit.  Speaking without listening to someone's whole point. 2. Many people do not forgive someone's mistake and decide to take revenge for that mistake. 3. A liar can never be successful in his life and  The liar thinks himself to be very clever and others to be stupid. 4. The one who insults elders has to face failures in life, if you want to be successful in life then change the habit of insulting elders.

Kidney problem

 Legs swelling, dry skin, allergies, weakness, and other reasons are due to kidney problems. Kidney damage is caused by taking too much medicine.  Caused by high blood pressure and loss of appetite. Pomegranate Lemon , orange and  Amla  juices contain citrate which helps in the removal of calcium from the kidneys.  Take two drops of olive oil in lemon juice. It does not cause kidney stones. Beetroot juice is an excellent kidney cleanser. Cranberry juice is an effective treatment for bladder infections.  Since it first gets filtered through the kidney, it also cleanses the kidney. Diet without salt, drink plenty of shivering water, do not eat meat.  Kidney stone occurs due to lack of water in the body. Consuming lemon juice or sour lemon water daily can reduce the rate of stone formation. Consumption of high phosphorus foods like chocolate, nuts, carbonated drinks, milk and milk products curd, cheese, butter, soy cheese, soy curd, fast food, toffee, can...


 May God protect you from the evil eye, Let the moon decorate you with stars, You forget what is sorrow, May God make you laugh so much in life.  to waste time with someone that time is better than your dreams  Invest in fulfilling.  smile is a wonderful puzzle As much as she tells Hides more than that!   life is short live happily. what's in roam Raise your head from the maze and live. what is sadness Just live with smile. not good for you Live for yourself..

Types of salt

 There are different types of salt.  Normal Salt, Black Salt, Rock Salt, Sea Salt. Rock salt improves digestion.  Controls blood pressure. Make muscles strong. Boosts Immunity Rock Salt. Helps reduce sugar cravings.  The amount of calcium, potassium and magnesium in black salt is much higher than in plain salt.  Black salt is considered very good for diabetics. By taking hot water and black salt in an empty stomach in the morning, the weghit  is kept under control.   Sea salt Sea salt is rich in magnesium.  Hence it is very good for the skin.  Also the amount of sodium which hydrates the skin.  Sea salt is salt water. Is Removes Dehydration.  Relieves Foot Pain.  Use For Oral Health.  Makes Hair Stronger.

Natural medicine

 Ayurvedic herbs that will give you health benefits without any side effects.  Mint leaves keep the blood clean. vomiting stop. Headache is cured. Teeth problem goes away.  turmeric used in everything. It has the ability to fight against joint pain, arthritis, digestive disorders, heart and liver diseases. Lemon grass is grown in South Indian.  Put it in tea. Lemon grass relieves body, joint, head and muscle pain and also protects against stress.  Dalchini Its consumption reduces pain and removes stiffness.  It detoxifies the kidneys and increases blood circulation by removing respiratory problems.

Feeling hunger

 Some people feel more hungry.  They keep eating throughout the day, only then their hunger does not calm down.  If you feel hungry, consume protein Protein has the property of reducing appetite. Consumption of fat increases the speed, but its lack is digested by some kind of damage to the body. If you want to control hunger, then limit intake of refined carbohydrates.  Refined carbohydrates in white flour used to make bread, pasta, etc. Sometimes due to stress, eat more food. Soup without cream is low in fat and calories and is full of nutrition, so that there is no shortage of nutrients in the body.  Foods with fiber keep your stomach full for a long time.  If you eat more fiber food then consume less calories.

summer season

 Because of the heat, some people remain upset and sweat. Hot air blows. Due to the problem of water, farmers do not do farming in this season and they have harm. There is summer camp, swimming, jet in hilly areas.  Enjoy school holidays in summer season. Liquid should be drunk to avoid heat.  Fruits and green vegetables should be eaten.  Sun screen lotion should be applied before leaving the house. Medicines, exposure to sunlight and heavy work out due to application of heat in the body.  Spicy food should not be eaten.

Height tips

 Height does not increase due to water pollution, impure food, lack of sports, growth of bones. Keep the right amount of proteins, carbohydrates, fats and vitamins in the child's diet. Avoid junk food .Height can also be increased with the help of Surya Namaskar, Chakrasana and Tadasana.  Swimming increases interest. Calcium will not only strengthen your bones but also improve their height.  Many types of vitamins and minerals present  almonds are also very important for height. Children who eat eggs regularly grow in height.  The healthy fat present in egg yolk can also benefit the body. Protein, Vitamins, Calcium and Minerals food should be eaten and eating food increases the height. do daily hanging exercises. You should do yoga. Must jump rope. Blueberries, strawberries, blackberries or raspberries help a lot in increasing the height. Leafy vegetables like spinach, cabbage should be consumed more.


 Fruit juice is good  for our health. It has more fiber. Help to reduce hunger.   Beet juice is low in calories and provides energy. Magnesium is one such mineral that can be beneficial for those trying to lose weight. Water melon juice from drink keeps stomach cool and quenches thirsty is rich in. vitamins A, C, potassium, magnesium, iron and antioxidants. Carrot juice reduces weight from drink .  Eyesight increases.  Drinking its juice strengthens the digestive system. Blueberries are also high in antioxidants.  Pomegranate juice is beneficial for the antioxidant body despite the sugar and calories in happens. Aloe vera juice keeps allergies away from drink . The blood is clean.  Aloe vera juice helps in increasing the water content in the intestines.  Drinking Amla juice keeps obesity under control.  Is good for the skin.  Removes stomach problems.


 There are many reasons for the sound coming in the ear.  Taking wrong  medicine.  Due to  listening  to songs louder with ear plug. increased wax in the ear. You should keep  ears clean. avoid on noisy .  There is a sound in the ear due to the problem of teeth.  Get your teeth treated.  The problem is caused  of the sinuses. yoga asanas for ears  Bhramari Pranayama for Ears Matsyasana or Fish Pose  easy Matsyasana  or fish pose. Take Grind ginger juice and tutsi in honey.  Mix two spoons of apple cider vinegar with honey.  And drink this mixture twice or thrice a day until the sound of tinnitus stops in your ear. Bar phone can stop ear sound by listening to songs but listen in low sound.Put olive oil and garlic in a frying pan, then once the oil is warm put it in the ear drops.

Singing tips

 To become a singer, one has to learn music first.  He needs to practice.  You should have confidence.  Make your video and show it to the people.  To sweeten your voice, it should take simple food, Excessive fried food, spicy food, tea and coffee should not be taken. Songs should be listened to.  Mixing lemon juice and honey keeps the throat clean.  Keep your throat wet. Do not eat chocolate and dry fruits before meals.  taking breath is good for the voice. Honey has antibacterial properties. Smoothing and shouting in a loud voice causes strain in the throat muscles. There is a bad effect on the voice.

Chicken pox

 Chickenpox is caused by dirty skin cleansing and is caused by the varicella zoster virus. Chicken Pox is spread by touching, coughing and sneezing.  Patients should stay away from chicken pox because no one  infected. chicken pox for Liquified drinks should be taken for this. Fruits should be eaten.  Green vegetables should be eaten.  Avoid Sour  Foods and Avoid Spicy Foods. Applying coconut oil does not cause itching.  Before bathing in the water leaves of the neem tree. remove the marks of chicken pox, apply lemon juice and sandal face can be applied.  Face Wash off after applying honey.  Apply aloe vera juice.

Good morning

 with you a lot  Is necessary!  If there is happiness then it increases and  If you are sad, it is divided! effect of smile  health, so  keep yourself healthy by smiling  Create. to live a happy life  it is important to acknowledge that  Whatever we have…  He is the best… like these flowers  the scent of your life  Never fall short!  ,  Stay healthy, stay cool!! Good morning


 There are different types of dance.  Before learning dance, anyone in the room will understand the songs well and will be able to dance well. To dance, the stamina of the body should be very good. Running daily is very important to increase stamina.  Apart from this, it is also very important to exercise daily. Dance is good for health and helps in improving your emotional and physical fitness. Dancing gives energy.  The balance is right.  Strengthens muscles and body.  Lose weight and have good heart health. Practice learning dance.  You can dance in front of the mirror.  dancing gives stamina.


 Diabetes problem-  Insulin deficiency. having diabetes in the family. growing old. high cholesterol level.  lack of exercise. hormonal imbalance. high blood pressure.  bad eating habits. People with diabetes should avoid sugar.  Eat high fiber and protein rich food.  Do not let vitamin D deficiency as there may be a risk of diabetes.A diabetic patient should keep on checking glucose.  Green vegetables and fruits should be eaten . Pomegranate juice helps stabilize high blood sugar levels.  With this you can reduce the blood sugar level. You shouldn't worry.  You should walk and exercise.  Dried figs , lentil sugar, amla and fenugreek should be used. Weghit  should be low.  Water should be drunk more.  Eat eggs daily.


 Tofu or soya bean  curd or soy milk is the name of the food whose curd is frozen by adding cheese-like pieces. Tofu is also rich in carbohydrates, fiber, manganese, calcium, selenium, zinc, copper and phosphorus. There are different types of tofu. hard or soft. It is made in different ways like paneer.Can be put in Tofu Sandwich, Tofu Vegetable, Tofu Salad and Chinese Soup. Tofu should be soaked in hot water before use. The  tofu include heart disease, diabetes, weight loss, liver problems, strengthens bones and muscles, and is good for the skin.  Hair has got good health. Helps to work collaterals and removes anemia disease.

Good positive thoughts

 Support in the time of illness shows that when a person comes to meet, they are his people and if someone does not remember to meet, then he becomes alienated.       Someone supports you in bad times. Your people who live in happiness and sorrow and help. We should help them.       They are their own and those who live around them but those who are not close are alienation.       Those who understand the feelings belong to them.  What is beyond feelings is separation.       Those people are their own and most precious, who ruthlessly miss you.

Dry fruits

 The vitamins and minerals is in dried fruits . Dry fruits should be eaten daily.  Badam - Eating almonds sharpens the mind and memory.  There are 2 types of almonds.  Bitter  and sweet.  Oil is used for bitter. Sweet almonds are used in pudding, almond shake, and sweets.  It is rich in vitamin E, A, calcium, magnesium and protein. Cashew nut - cashew contains vitamin B, protein, calcium.  Its sweets are made.  Cashew contains a lot of cholesterol, in which the amount of cholesterol in the body is controlled. Pistachio- Eating pistachios causes weight gain. Cures Heart disease. Pistachio sweets are made.  Vitamins A, K and B6.  Raisins- Eating raisins  keeps blood pressure under control.  The lack of blood in the body is removed.  Dry grapes are called raisins. Dates- Eating dates keeps blood pressure under control.  Eating dates does not cause fatigue. Cold and cough are cured. Fig - The dried fruit of figs is c...

Good night

 Safe life is very beautiful... Everyone is looking for someone... If someone has a destination, then there is no way…. And if someone is staying with you then there is no destination...  May all your dreams come true with the blessings of Shri Radhe Krishna. Good night.


 Many nutritious elements are found in lemon. Vitamin C, D, Calorie, Aryan, Fiber, some kind of Nutrients are found in this. Lemon is used to remove the stains of clothes. Some people have dandruff in their hair, they can apply lemon juice.  In the morning an empty stomach, warm water, lemon juice , honey should be drunk.  The leaves of the lemon tree can be used to make tea Taking lemon, water and salt is good in low blood pressure.  And people with high blood pressure take lemon  juice and sugar in the water. Its  cultivation is more in South India. Lemon is  sweet and sour pickle testy. Lemons are used to put in vegetables.


 Swimming should be done daily. This is type  of exercise.  swimming keeps the brain active and there is no tension  in the brain .  Cholesterol remains normal.  Obesity is reduced. Blood circulation remains correct.  There are different types of swimming.  Breast stroke, back stroke, back crawl and crawl or free stele.  Sleep is good after swimming.  Swimming has the advantage that we can save others from drowning  and save yourself from drowning . It is  good for our health.  Swimming gives Confidence. To learn swimming, you have to remove the fear of water. Will not be  afraid  scared to sit near the swimming pool. Swimming costumes should be worn. Apply sunscreen lotion while swimming.  Apply oil on the hair so that there is no harm. after swimming, take a bath in bathroom.


 There are different types of exercises. Skipping , jogging,  running , cycling  happens by doing. Some people exercise, they never get sick from posture. They get energy.  Exercising makes the digestion process  and hunger starts over time.  Regular exercise improves metabolism, burns calories faster and keeps weight under control.  Improves sleep. Strengthens muscles and bones. Regulates cholesterol level. Prevents diabetes.  Exercise should be in the morning and should be done on an empty stomach.

Rajasthani Food

 There are different varieties of food in Rajasthan. The spices of Rajasthan are pure. ghee ya oil used in food.,without which no dish is complete. daal, batee  and Churma , Ker Sangari, Millet  Khichdi, Garlic Chutney, Gatte vegetable, raw mango sour and sweets vegetable and fenugreek chutney. Papad and  mung dal mangodi. Snack onion Kachori, Mirchi vada, Curd kachori etc. made. The sweets of  malai Ghevar , Peda ,boondi laddu , gond  laddu, gulab  jamun and jalebi  are very tasty.  Pickles are available in different types.  Eats sweets with food. Millet roti and besan flour  roti are eaten. Bujía  is delicious to eat.


 Massage does not cause fatigue. Our muscles open up.  Anyone can apply oil for massage.  Olive oil- Massage of olive oil works as a muscle relaxant. Massage reduces pain and swelling.  Sesame oil -bone is forced by the massage of sesame oil.  It is a good source of copper, magnesium, calcium, healthy omega-3 fats and protein.  There is peace of mind.  Vitamin E Stretch Marks are reduced. Coconut oil - Helps to hydrate with coconut oil.  Applying oil to the hair gives shine.  The oil is used as a cleanser and lip balm.  It has anti bacterial and anti fungal properties.  Almond oil-  Almond oil contains Vitamin E. It antifungal properties can help ward off other fungal infections like ringworm, eczema and psoriasis. Mustard oil -By applying  the oil, there is from pain and swelling. The compounds present in it help in inhibiting the growth of cancer cells.Applying mustard oil in winter season does not dry out the skin.

Basketball 🏀

 Basketball is best played.  Some people play in the world. Playing improves height. Playing increases heart health.  Playing basketball keeps our body healthy.  The player runs and jump. Playing gives energy.  Strengthens muscle and bone.  Confidence increases.To be a good player you need to take care of yourself.  These qualities come in you only when you start thinking about your living, eating, wearing etc. Play between 2 teams and the team members are 5-5. Basketball is national play Estonia .The first basketball game in India was played on 20 January 1892.


 Injuries to the brain due to epilepsy have more causes. Epileptic seizures are caused by nutritional deficiencies such as and vitamin deficiencies due to magnesium deficiency. Patient should rest. Yoga and meditation should be done.  When epileptic seizures occur, there is fainting, foaming in the mouth and tremors of hands and feet. This epilépticos  lasts for 2-3 minutes and should be given rest after an epileptic seizure.home food should  is needed. Take Fast food .Fruits, salads for epilepsy.  Dry fruits and green vegetables should be eaten.  Heavy food should not be eaten.  Do not take tea and coffee. You should control  anger.  Mental tension should not be done. Put salt in Normal water in a  bucket and keep your feet.

save electricity

 Electricity bill is  comes very high.  We should save electricity.  Unplug the main switch to save power. when AC is no needed then switch off. Switch off the mobile charger, laptop charger after use.  Use big blubs  of higher voltage  at home and use LED bulbs at low voltage.  Use the freezer as needed.  Saving electricity is essential for health.  Geysers should be used wisely.  You can also use a solar water heater like this.  Washing machine clothes should be washed twice a week.  The window should be opened in your house during the day and the curtains which are there should be removed.  The sun comes on nicely and the lights turn off.Switch off where the light is not needed and switch it off after watching TV. 

Common cold

 Common cold causes cough due to change in weather.  Spicy food is caused and eating oily food. It is caused by the virus.  It is caused by eating sour things. For cough, mix honey, ginger juice and black pepper. Take hot milk turmeric. Gargle with hot water and salt. Drink spiced tea. One should sit in the sun. Oats, garlic are taken. Quieting for sore throat relieves.The nose is blocked, use ghee with ghee.  several times a day.  running nose for Use ajwain dhuni (ajwain seeds on charcoal, inhale it).  Drink a decoction of basil, carom seeds and ginger.  Take rest in bed.  Use cold bath in the morning, in summer, use lukewarm bath in winter and do not go out in cold and half an hour after bath.Boil hot water for decoct after that mix celery, black pepper, clove, ginger and put it.


 Different types of coconut are  in India.  This tree is grown in Kerala, West Bengal and Orissa.  Coconut tree is used to make furniture, boats and anything else.  It contains protein, calcium and aryan.  Sweets are makes from dried coconut and also used in ice cream.  They break coconuts for worship and offer them to the deity.  The health of the digestive system is good with coconut.  The deficiency of Anemia is removed, due to which the mind becomes sharp.  It is good for the heart.  Coconut water removes stomach heat.Applying coconut oil makes hair perfect.  Applying coconut oil does not make the skin dry.


 To eat salad is to make your meal tasty. There are different types of salads.different types can be made in salad.There are vegetable salad, pasta salad, fruit salad, sprouts salad. Eating salad gives glow to the skin. It is Muscles gets stronger.Digestion power increases.  Bones get stronger. Salad is low in calories and eating less Weight. Green salad contains fibers, vitamins and minerals and proteins etc. Eating salad gives energy.By eating salad in summer, the lack of water in the body is fulfilled.  Therefore, eat more and more salads to avoid dehydration.  It keeps you energetic throughout the day and removes fatigue.


 People who walk alone are not proud, they do everything alone. Life is a game. Life is duty.  Life is a long journey.  Whether it is bad or good, try to be happy at all times. Keep learning something new in life. Should not run away from life. Don’t run way from trouble. Never give up.The best relation is to have faith in life. Contentment is the greatest wealth.  Health is the greatest gift.  Love yourself  Family, education, God and love are necessary in life.  Lessons for living are not books, life is taught. Got life, don't do it alone, celebrate it like a festival with everyone.Don't waste your life forgetting the old things and move towards the future.


 Some people worship the Sun.  Water should be given to the sun god. Disease is cured in the sun. Vitamin D deficiency is removed by sitting in the sun and good sleep comes. Surya Namaskar should be done. There are 12 postures of Surya Namaskar.  Its digestion system remains correct. by doing Surya Namaskar, the stomach is reduced, there is energy in our body and the spinal cord is forced.Must walk in the sun.  Knowing on born people Sunday, these people don’t change their mind  but they keep their control. These people are Selfish or violent behavior, arrogance and pride.The sun is heat, fire and energy and one should worship the sun.

Dry mouth

 The dry mouth problem. High blood pressure, medicine, stay hungry for a long time. Headache, lack of water, late to wake up at night and to more. Some people breathe through the mouth and it gets dry mouth. Dry mouth due to clogged salivary Souf. Take sugar free candy. take liquid of lassi and lemonade. Taking lemon juice and honey makes saliva  makes and aloe Vera   juice. Mouth ulcers are caused by spicy or hot food, stomach heat, not cleaning teeth and fever. Apply honey or aloe vera on mouth ulcer or Do mouthwash.

Sweat problem

 The heat of our body remains because staying in the sun for a long time, heavy work out, taking  medicine are more problems.  Vitamin C is found in orange and lemon fruits.  Some people sweat because to heat.The pores of the skin open when sweating, which removes all the dirt and bacteria from the body.  Some people don't get sweat.Some people lack of  water.Do it to get the sweat.  Exercise makesSweat.Do any hard work. Use rock salt. Have hot beverages.. Most of the people come to sweat to avoid oily food.  Avoid extra salt and alcohol. Avoid eating spicy food. Eat fruits. the morning and evening should take k bath.put your feet in the tub for the water action.should drink liqived.

Maha shivaratri

 Lord Shiva is naive, gentle, and generous to his devotees.  Shiva's meditation should be done daily. Our ultimate goal is Shiva Tattva.    Lord Shiva is the ocean of forgivenes pardon like a god ni can but shree shiva ji bad He forgives even the bad person immediately. Shri Shiva Tattva which is our Self. If our self-realization is correct, then we Comes completely into balance. what is shree shiv tattva, the ocean of love is shiv tattva which is true. There is love.  when shree shivaji was pleased with us.If so, we have a wave of bliss and consciousness that I guess it can't be described in words May go   Shri Shiva Tattva is associated with someone No. He himself becomes his teacher, mother, father, son .One and only Shri Shiva starts enjoying the element. She becomes independent. By worshiping Shri Shiva we When the soul is awakened, then we are on the path of truth. tell us the truth to enjoy anything in the world That surf is momentary pleasure Only b...