
Showing posts from February, 2022


 Hormones change due to baldness. Infection occurs in the root of the hair. Baldness occurs due to not applying  oil on the head or not applying the right type of oil. Massage the scalp by applying oil on the scalp, not on the head skin. By doing this you will not have the problem of baldness. Applying scented oil on the head also causes baldness. Ghee should not be used for head massage. There are two types of baldness. Some people are bald on the front or forehead and some people are bald on the back or some people are bald on both sides. People who are bald from the front or from the forehead. Apart from this, the run-of-the-mill life also becomes the reason for this. If you don't water a plant, that plant dies, so the oil protects the hair. You can apply lemon juice or onion juice on your scalp. Vitamin B deficiency. Deficiency of Aryan and protein causes baldness.

Mango fruit

 Everyone likes to eat mangoes.  Mango Shake, Mango Ice Cream, Mango Pickle, Mango Pana and more are used. Mango is called the king of fruits. Mango leaves decorate the house in the festival.  Mango is rich in fiber, vitamins A, C and D.  There are 400 different types of mangoes.  Some people plant a mango tree in the house and the negative does not come.  Mango leaves are used in worship.  Sugar patient should not eat.  Is.  Mango contains more calories and eating mango increases obesity.  Mango tree is the national tree of Bangladesh. Eating extra mango helps in digestion. The eating mango causes stomach upset.  Mango is hot and soak it in water before using it.Allergic to eating is good for the eyes.

Knee joint pain

 Joint pain is caused by deficiency of Vitamin D, Vitamin C and Calcium.  Ginger juice, lemon juice and honey should be mixed in hot water.  Massage with ginger oil.  The anti-inflammatory compound found in ginger helps in reducing inflammation.  Massage Should be Sesame oil, olive oil, and mustard oil. apply ice pack. Exercise should be done.  Keep your feet of hot water and rock salt in the bucket .applying corsican for joint pain has given relief.Vitamin D is obtained by sitting in the sun.Turmeric should be consumed in hot milk.


 Yoga helps in controlling the body, mind and spirit. Doing Yoga has makes  your heart healthy. Doing yoga Reduces stress.The appetite is good, not only this, digestion is also correct.  Doing yoga strengthens muscles.  Yoga is necessary because it keeps us fit.  There are four types of yoga.  Raja Yoga, Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga and Jnana Yoga.  Doing yoga controls sugar, blood pressure weghit and heal from disease.It helps to increase flexibility in the body, strengthen muscles and enhance physical health.

Digestive system

 The digestive system does the work of digesting your food. The body gets energy from this nutrient element. High fiber should be consumed to heal  the digestive system. Vitamin C should be taken so much of food.  If it is not digested properly, you may suffer from many stomach diseases like constipation, acidity, intestinal inflammation, infections, celiac disease, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, intestinal ischemia etc.  One should walk after having food. Do not sleep immediately after meal. Do not eat extra food and do not chew food. should drink hot water.

Energy drink

 We start feeling tired and weak due to work these days. Energy drink is a liqived .in which caffeine is very high. It is done to increase the production of physical and mental. You can make energy drink at home. Drink coconut water, lemon juice, honey and salt mixed together. It does not cause weakness and fatigue. Honey can be taken in orange juice.  You can take cumin powder and salt in lassi.  Take watermelon juice, it does not feel thirsty and has energy   Carrot juice ,Apple juice and Amla juice with honey it increases energy.Red Bull Energy Damage.   After drinking red bulk caffeine, when the blood comes in contact with the body, high blood pressure and heart beat occur.Drinking at home contains sugar in energy drinks.Taking energy drink gives strength to the body and removes weakness. Banana and dark chocolate can be mixed by mixing milk. Komkum Juice is good for health.Eating dates provides energy and is rich in fiber, protein, iron, calcium and vitamin...

Teeth care

 To take care of the teeth, brushing should be done every morning and night.  Teeth are forced by eating dark chocolate..When teeth  pain, clove  oil should be applied. For this, apply mouthwash or Dologel . Eating apple and carrot does not cause cavity because bacteria are destroyed. Clove oil should be applied. Use a soft brush and dental floss is important.  Massage the gums with oil and salt with your fingers.  Very hard food is not good for teeth, don't let anything stick between your teeth.  Clean the surface of your tongue. Calcium strengthens bone and teeth. should  drink more water.

Body language

 the body language of a which does not contain words, but speaks without saying anything.  To improve body language, the knowledge of confidence is mixed by looking through the eyes. Don’t  stole sight away while Talking to someone  because others feel that you are not talking interest in his word. While talking to someone, one should stay away. Don’t move your hand and don’t bow down.Talk to someone with positive energy and smile.  Someone's facial expression is sad, angry, happy and Your face should be in the right mood so that some people will be interested in talking to you.Must shake hands with polite soulful smile.Do not sit anywhere without permission.Bo


 Gas from an empty stomach and gas from eating extra . Due to gas, stomach ache. To remove stomach gas, one should do the above.  One should walk after meals.  Its digestion is correct and the stomach does not bloat.. Hot water and carom seeds should be taken. Eat light food. eating causes gas. Gas causes headache and  take drink eno with water. In fat and protein rich food  In comparison, carbohydrate-rich food produces more gas.  Do not eat oily food.  Drink more water.  Lemon juice should be taken in hot water. Gas is produced by eating stale food. Some people eat food is fast and should be food slowly.Do not drink empty tea in the morning and eat biscuits with tea.

True and lie

 Why do some people lie?  The liar lacks of respect And no one trusts them. By Lies lack confidence. Some people speak because of lying. Telling the truth gives a long life to a person and gives peace in the mind. It is good to do everything with the help of truth. Those who speak the truth have courage. Some people do not bow down in front of anyone.  Some people tell lies and Their lies come in front of everyone. Truth should not be afraid of speaking.Truthful people are liked.They do their harm by lying and because of this, the relationship gets spoiled.

Neck pain

 Neck pain occurs due to some reason. using a hard pillow,, TV, mobile, computer. Apply ice pack for neck pain. Should be Massaged with  oil in the neck and balm should be applied. The problem is caused by the Cervical. Do not oily food,sweets,sour item, coffee and tea. Turmeric should be taken in warm milk.  Vitamin D deficiency occurs.  To Exercise is needed. A soft pillow should be used.  Vitamin D and calcium should be taken in foods.  Should work or study in the break.Must sit straight and not don’t bow down.


 Worshiping to please the deity and deity and gives us peace of mind.  God fulfills our wish.  There should not be a bathroom near the temple.  Touch the mother land  and touch your hands in the eyes. After worshiping, one should meditate.  Water should be given to the sun.  Water should be given to Tulsiji.  Worship brings happiness and peace in the house and God's blessings are received.  Some people say that by worshiping God does not listen.  To worship, one should do it with a sincere heart and in peace.  Must be prayer by God.  God does not listen because of not having the mood to worship or not having peace in the mind. we should say to God that we have made a mistake and forgive us. When time to worship  negative thoughts come, let the thoughts come. If God is seen in some form in the dream, then God is pleased.

Feng Shui

 The meaning of Feng  Shui is Feng -air,  Shui -Water.  Items of Feng Shui  are available in the market. Items of laughing buddha ,coin, crystal, quatrain have been found.  From Feng  shui to positive  changes our lives.  Feng Shui  works to change the mental state of the people of the house.  The window should be opened for sunlight. Keeping a tortoise brings wealth. Disease goes away.  The bell hanging in the house has special significance in Feng Shui - it is considered a symbol of prosperity.  It gives full life and good health to the family members.  By keeping the Chinese dragon statue in the house, negative energy can never enter from outside.  Coin meets  Good luck and wealth.  Love birds should be kept in bedroom for love and husband is of wife's love.  Hanging a pair of fish is good for money and work.Keeping a statue of a horse gives success.wrong direction stops. Keeping the pyramid is ...


 Due to the deficiency of calcium , there is weakness and pain in the bones, loss of sleep, loss of appetite, and more.  Use dairy products. lack of memory.  Milk, milk, cheese should be eaten to remove the deficiency of calcium . Massaging with sesame oil strengthens bones. Exercise should be done. Deficiency  of calicum causes problems with the teeths .take lemon juice ya orange juice.Broccoli it is good calcium.protein and calcium.Must eat green vagitbless and fruits.dry fruits should be eaten. Due to depression there is a deficiency of Calcium.


 One must control his desire for self-satisfaction . You should Use whatever you mean have. Carry out your responsibility well.  Stay away from the world  of useless people. The best way to do self-satisfaction is to keep doing the work without desiring the fruits.  .get satisfied with peace of contemplation.  If a person cannot serve anyone with money, then he can serve his speech with it. Should help others. When a person is an satisfied , only he can recognize how much has been received.  Happiness is experienced in the mind.satisfied gives satisfaction and should not expect from others.

Skin problem

 Skin problems are caused by bacteria or fungus getting trapped in the pores.  It is caused due to jln and itching in the skin. vitamin D deficiency also affects the skin.  The skin becomes dry, red.  Itching is more.  Many people start getting acne. For that use ice packs.  Steam should be taken. Apply aloe vera jel .  Avoid eating oily food.  Do not eat unhealthy  Some people do not have skin glow  because they lack sleep, attention and work, cannot take care of the skin.  You should drink juice.  Sometimes the skin for  face pack of your should be applied.  Milk Cream should be applied. Water should be drunk. We should be happy. Sleep should be taken. Fruits should be eaten. Tention should not be done. The skin becomes dirty due to dusty soil, pollution.  You should wash your skin.Keep a smile on your skin.


 Meditation is the best.     Meditation refreshes the mind and gives peace to the mind. There is energy to do meditation . Meditating makes good memory. Meditation Breaks bad habits. Concentration increases with meditation.  Anger is controlled.  The ability to understand each other is great. Meditating makes Sleep better.Close your eyes to meditate.  After that, breathing with the mind, listening with the mind, watching carefully, stretching the body with the mind.  When the thoughts come while meditating, let them come. To meditate, where there is peace and meditate on that.To meditate, you can meditate on the Gayatri Mantra, Om Namo Shivaay or whatever you believe in and believe in God.


 Jaundice is due to the high amount of bilirubin in the blood (this can be a problem with the liver).  Bilirubin is a colored waste material that is produced after iron transfection.The liver separates harmful substances from the blood. Jaundice occurs due to jaundice of eyes. Jaundice in urine, loss of appetite, stomach pain, vomiting and fever. We should sit in the sun. Drink coconut water.  Take candy instead of sugar and water for three days.  Drink a lot of glucose.  Yellow food vegetables should not be eaten.  Juice should be drunk. Bad Water or food, medicine causes jaundice. To cool the liver. liqiwed drink.  Eat green vegetables.

Hard work

 In our life, hard work is as important as food to survive. Working hard has been the  help in achieving the goal.  Some people remain happy in mind.  hard work  with confidence. Some people should have faith in himself. God helps those who work hard. Success has been achieved by working hard.  Those who follow discipline know the value of their time and become disciplined.  Success has been achieved through knowledge. Dont be afraid of hard work. Lazy dont get success.  Quit being lazy and don't depend on others,Must be patient.  Crisis come in life but crisis must be faced.  Some people think that there is no luck or luck, this is all wrong thinking.  With hard work, any person can Change his fate.must be honest.

Peace of mind

 peace of mind    1. People who can never change, learn to endure.    2. Learn to forgive others and forget some things.    3. Do not keep the craving for Identification.    4.Someone  should not see anyone's work till then, when comments should not be asked.    5. try to adapt yourself to the environment.    6. Take only that much work in hand, as much as you are capable of doing.    7. Avoid jealousy and praise others.    8. Do not do any such work for which you may regret later.    9. Do not leave your mind blank and keep yourself busy.    10. Meditate daily and Distribute the work done throughout the day.


 Some people boast of money, education, and praise of their pride..This not only weakens the physical ability, but also reduces the development of intellect. The words of arrogant people should be ignored. No one likes to lie, show people off.Some people like to praise themselves. One should not be proud of one's own beauty. One who boasts does not get peace of mind.Ignore the words of arrogant people and don't waste your time sitting near them.Some people are proud of money and they should reduce their greed or attachment.Some people boast of education and they are uneducated. Must be satisfied with what God has given.

Shortness of breath

 The problem of shortness of breath is due to overeating, pollution, attention, lack of water, Ashtama and more.  Daily morning walk should be done.  Breathe exercise should be done. Steam should be taken. Take Coffee  gives relief.    boiling hot water, carom seeds should be taken. Eating garlic chutney with roti gives relief.   No fat intake at all.  Thin people can eat fat (fat is not stored).  fat people accumulate fat and is not available.  Oil massage on the head is very good.they should take honey in hot water.To increase the level of oxygen in our body, we should consume protein and nitrates.Drink more water and eat salty food.hemoglobin eat boosting foods.

Home remedies

 home remedies    1. Mix ginger juice and honey for cold and take it.    2. Apply ice pack for headache.    3. Acidity. Put water in the frying pan for carom seed,cloves, jaggery, black pepper, ginger and turmeric  and drink water.    4. In the morning on an empty stomach, you should drink hot water and lemon juice mixed .    5. Face pack of gram flour, sandalwood, turmeric and milk For this, make a paste by mixing a little sandalwood powder, 1 pinch turmeric and a little milk in 2 teaspoons of gram flour and apply on the face.    6. For body pain, Heat milk in a frying pan, add a pinch of turmeric and a little sugar and add in a glass.    7. Eating spicy food will open your block nose.


 The digestive system has improved.  Natural properties have natural properties.   Egg, meat, paneer, rajma, moong and tur dal for protein food.   Dried fruits and lentils for vitamin food.   Carbohydrate food consists of sugar, starch, canned peas and any grains.  Fiber, vegetables Dried cereals and dry fruits.   Items made from milk, meat, green vegetables and dried fruits for fat food.   Dairy products, meat, vegetables fruits for mineral food.   Do not let your body lack water for water. nutrient deficiency diseases:   Protein : Skin diseases, hair fall, infection, germs   Vitamins: disease resistance, infection.    Carbohydrates: fatigue, depression, constipation


 Eggs, green vegetables, dry fruit salad, fruits to remove muscle weakness.  Milk and juice should be taken.  Must exercise.  Deficiency of Vitamin D and Vitamin B.  For muscle pain, apply ice pack and take bath with normal water. insufficiency of water and  muscle pain due to overwork. Use protein item food. Massage should be done. Compound exercises force the muscles.  Take normal water and add rock salt, after that put your foot and  keep 15-20 minutes.  It doesn't get tired.  Do some exercise in the gym.

Wisdom quotes

 Wisdom Quotes   1. Unless you believe in yourself, you cannot believe in God.   2. Mistakes are a part of life, but many people know the courage to admit these.   3. The fire which gives us heat and can also destroy us, it is not the fault of fire.   4. If you also feel pain after seeing someone's pain, then understand that God is seated in your soul.   5. The best support for difficult times is hope, who believes  that the best  will be.   6. Life, doesn't stop for anyone, just the situation of living changes.   7. Change the world with your smile. Don't change your smile with the world.

Hair care

 You should take care of your hair.  Oil should be applied once in the week  and wash the second day.reduce the use of hair drayer . Do not wash the hair with hot water. For escape with hair breakage, apply onion juice to the hair, after that wash it after 20 minutes. Aloe Vera Effective Aloe vera is beneficial for health as well as it is beneficial in controlling hair fall.  You can apply coconut milk.  You can also Amal juice. Sometimes after applying curd , wash it after a while. It  makes hair soft. Dandruff is cured by applying lemon juice. don't comb wet hair and it breaks the thing. Do not sit in the sun after hair wash  because the headache .  Trimming your hair occasionally is a must keep doing .  It does not spoil the hair and new hair comes.  Hair color and henna should be applied for white hair. company's products should be used.  Steam should be given to the hair with a towel soaked in hot water.keep your hair beautiful...


 God is not the word that you will find in books. The divine idol that you will find in the temple. God is not a human being that you will get society. God is you yourself who will meet within you. God's will can take care of everyone. You don't need to meditate on anything. Try to understand that your problem is to do. You don't want to leave. them on God. Spirit is divine.In this, through Kundalini awakening, the soul of a person meets God and he gets directly connected with God.

Self reliant

 Self-reliant means not being dependent on everyone’s and making good in your career.  We should think about freedom.  To make yourself self-reliant, you should move forward with your confidence. Increase the psychic power.  Don't waste your time by not thinking about anyone.  Take control of your feeling .  Get used to working alone.  Teach children to self-reliant.let them do their own work, give them the freedom to decide, teach them to learn from mistakes and Tell the value of money.most important for self relianc is physical  ,matrimonial and economic.Before the life of a householder, it is necessary for a person to be self-fearless and not depend on others.

Eyes care

 Kids online education, Mobile,Tv and laptop has caused glasses. The juice should be drunk. wash eyes with water. You should drink almond milk or eat almonds.  The eyesight gets bigger when  sit in the sun.  Do eye exercises.  Lack of sleep due to dark circles, due to stress, change in hormones, dark circles around the eyes. dip the cotton and clean it near the eyes. Mix lemon and tomato juice and apply.  Dark circles is  due to laptop ,mobile and computer.  Cut slices of cucumber or potato and keep it on your eyes, it provides relief in the eyes.  Ice pack can.  Water should be drunk.    Don't forget to moisturize your skin and apply sunscreen.  Massage around your eyes with almond oil.  Apply a little honey to your eyes.  eyes clear. Grind camphor finely and apply ghee (should not be frozen) in the eyes and it will burn, keep the eyes closed for 2-3 should  rest your eyes.

Shri Laxmi ma

 One should wake up in the morning to meditate and worship for the attainment of Shri Lakshmi Maa. Cleanliness should be maintained in the house. keep your mind  pure and have pure thoughts and actions.  Torn  clothes or old clothes should be given to a poor person.  Rubbish should be removed.   Let go of the your ego, pride, hate and anger .Made his behavior calm, satisfied , generous and his own master.The poor should give charity and give gifts to each other.others should respect .In the evening, lamps of Tulsi ji should be lit.

Mind control

 Some people can't control their mind. Need your confidence grow. Keep calm and speak less. We should think for of my goal. One should not dominant. Some people do not get self- satisfaction due to wandering .Keep your mind satisfied.  Meditation is needed.  Must listen to music.  Some people can't control their anger.  He should remain calm. Do not suppress the anger on the wrong thing and give anger on the front.should be happy in your life.gotta keep yourself busy.Sometimes you should listen to your heart too but you should listen to your mind more.

Liver treatment

 Due to more thinking and planning, living in the future, working more on the liver, then it becomes hot. As the liver represents meditation, our attention becomes weak, we cannot keep it within ourselves.  Symptoms Like jaundice, we have to cool the liver by using liverdiet (see liverdiet). Use ice pack to problem is may experience a feeling of heat (or even pain in extreme cases) in the area of ​​the liver .This can manifest in a lack of focus and concentration.Pay attention, and inevitably this will prevent the victim from going deeper. one of the first signs of Problematic liver will probably have difficulties with attention, too many Thoughts. that the heart nourishes the joy that comes from the soul.lives in the heart, and if it is damaged it is very difficult for one to develop this sense of happiness within yourself, or may even feel it over a very short period of time.  These are among the reasons they  special attention to this physical problem a...


 Every day in life Everyone want to learn something new. Some people should learn to swim and drive a car.  Swimming has tonic for the muscle and brain.must learn music. The more power We have  to learn, the more his life develops.  Experiment to learn something new. You can learn on the internet.  What is written in the diary before bedtime?  What did you do and read? Read Motivational Books and Science Science. Being with people who speak English will give you the knowledge in learning English.You should learn Judo Karate and Yoga for your self defense, it has great confidence and must learn something new.

Health and fitness

 For fitness, you should wake up in the morning and drink water. Energy is found in this body.  One should not drink tea on an empty stomach and should eat biscuits with tea.  Fruits and healthy breakfast should be done.  In the Meditating in the morning gives peace to the mind .We should remain silent in the morning.  It keeps the mind fresh.  We should not go Stair and must walk.  Exercise and yoga should be done.  Don't eat unhealthy food.  The  green vegetables, fruits and salads should be eaten in your diet.  Avoid unhealthy foods, snacks and sweet sweets.  No water after meals should drink. We should sit in the sun.

Self improvement

 Every human being wants to become a better person, but there are many such way in life where people are unable to pay attention to themselves.  To improve oneself one must love oneself.  Change your habits.  Believe in yourself.  Set your goal.  Don't compare yourself.  Face your fear.  Don't sit idle. You have to think big.  no hope.  Be responsible  Keep yourself busy.  Must meditate.  Keep your mind calm. Increase your strength. Have faith. Meet with a smile. Keep an open mind.  Be a good listener.  You go to you  Meet new people.  Be honest and loyal.  Learn from your mistakes. Think positive.never stop learning.


 Termite insect appear in the rainy season it is moisture because of the weather.They eat furniture.  They give a lot of damage and come in the walls.  Furniture should be kept in sunlight.  Cleanliness should be taken care of. Termites love water and cellulose.  Moisten a piece of cardboard and place it on the termite site.  After some time you will see that termites have come and sat on this cardboard.  Now you can kill the termites by burning this cardboard.  Repeat this process until all the termites are gone.  Use lemon vinegar. protect furniture from water.Use medicine to kill termites.No Babylon wood, rosewood, teak and sarai trees seem to be the termite.


 Some people have allergies.  Some people have allergies to flowers, foods, medicines, soil, animals. Coconut oil should be applied .ice pack should be used .honey and ginger juice  should be mixed.must steam. Vitamin D deficiency causes allergy. For vitamin D, milk, curd, egg should be eaten.  Must sit in the sun.  Fruits and juices should be drunk.  First of all, we should check that what causes allergies?  Cleanliness should be taken care of in the house because dusty soil is allergic.  Seasonal allergies due to histamine such as itching, itching in the eyes.  The transmission of the interpreter is also done in the same way.Most of the allergies are caused by cold and hot i.e. first by taking bath in cold water and then by hot water, first by drinking coffee and then immediately by drinking cold water.  The body cannot tolerate such rapid changes.  There is spleen in the left navel area, which is the speedometer and adjuster of o...


 Everyone should have entertainment in life.  Everyone is interested in entertainment.  Entertainment brings pleasure.  Entertainment calms the mind and leads to meditation.  Having fun develops interests and hobbies, which leads to the development of personality.  In olden days some people were playing cards, carrom bored ,ludo etc.   now on the internet is used for all sports, songs, movies etc.  Sports is a very good means of entertainment as it keeps us entertained as well as healthy.  Enjoying with friends and relatives.  Old  people was save money.  Those people do not spend extravagantly and they didn’t have money for today’s time  many means of entertainment will start coming.


 In today's fashion today these will be old updated changes like art, status, updates as well as some new changes.  The world of fashion should not be copied and followed for anyone.  Don't be taking risks.  We get bored with one thing, but fashion is what keeps us on changing.  In olden times people used to wear the same clothes, now in fashion people have to recognize new dress.. In new fashion jewellery, makeup, sandals etc. fashion has started going on.  Some people shop after seeing new fashions.  When we understand something new then confidence  and our mood is good.  Fashion is an important part of our life.  Fashion is one thing that helps you to know what to wear and what to wear. You can buy any new fashion item in the online app.

Valentine’s Day

 Valentines day is very important for the people who love. You Should give your warm passion and love to everyone on Valentine’s Day. You should give your life and knowledge and move ahead in life.The list of Valentine's Day is seven days.  First Rose Day.  Its freshness and fragrant love works to bring sweetness in relationships. The second propose day  each other to be together  for  life. Third chocolate day  they works to fill sweetness in the knot of each other’s love.fourth Teddy Day gift each other Teddy and remembered.  Five promise day, the promise I made to love each other will be fulfilled for the rest of life. Six  Hug Day       Let go of the anger and hatred, bad happened and forget what happened. hug each other and become friends .On this day one should love each other and seek blessings from elders. older people love us .Happy Valentine's Day all

Home problems

 Home problems happen to everyone.  The family don’t blong to anyone.Those people don't talk to each other.  Some people Do not respect each other.  Don’t compare each other. They talk badly about each other.  They do not service the elders.  They Do not love each other. Children learn by watching others. Bad effects on children. you have to change your thinking.   you should keep yourself calm. Talk openly about family issues .your anger should be kept calm. in the morning daily bhajan  sunder kaand , Geeta path and Ramayana path should be read.  Meditation gives peace of mind.  Elders should be respected.   Due to bad karma in previous birth, one has to suffer in birth itself.. Donating  solves the problem . Small things should not be thrown out.  It is best to remain silent.  Don't think negative accept your mistakes .  Along with your own drawbacks , you should also recognize the shortcomings of others. Avoid...


 Whenever I go anywhere, my attention is trough The people living on the sidewalk. Seeing their condition, I wonder how they live on the pavement?They didn't have a home.  These people live due to compulsion, poverty and dearness . The poor  has no life. Seeing them, it is in the mind.  These people call torn clothes.  Food was not found.  You will have to beg for food.  Some people do small work. These  are worried about the weather.  They Can’t  sleep because of the noise.   They Can’t get treatment .   We should donate to them and give the  Necessities.Young children could not go to school.

Peace of mind

 Silence does not bring peace, the greatest true happiness is peace when the mind of a person remains silent.  The mind becomes calm. People who are not satisfied with their life, because of those who do not have peace in their mind, have complaints with their lives and are caused by mental stress.  We should not be angry and overthink bad things, then only happiness  and peace can be found.  I will find peace in controlling my mind.  Must be busy.  Must watch your favorite song or movie. One should do breathing exercise. Enjoy nature for peace of mind.  Learn to forgive peace of mind.


 We must help others. We should help the poor, destitute and needy.  Helping others brings happiness.  By helping others, we get virtue.  It is the duty of a human being to help others.  Help is blessings.  Some people help in bad times.  God  helps those who help other.  If you can help others, then do.  Remember you can't help, so at least don't harm  them. Help Only that person can help someone who feels pain.  The capital earned throughout life may be exhausted but the blessings received with one's help never but no favor.It doesn't take money to help someone, but it takes a lot of mind.


 The Internet is a private network of computers that uses protocol technology.  Internet is the computer between various institutions.  In this network, thousands and millions of people are connected to each other.  The computer is connected to the Internet by the telephone line. This save  our time.  Digital take and give  has become possible because of the internet.  can use.  Internet all people do a lot of bills, shopping, classes, jobs, business etc.  We get to know about the news. We  can call vedios from anyone.  We get knowledge from internet.  Profit and loss are two sides of the same coin.  Theft of personal information has increased due to convenience on the Internet, such as credit card numbers, bank card numbers, etc.  India  uses mobile internet.Mobile Internet Main  different Type Plan Features.

Plastic pollution

 Plastic pollution is increasing.  Plastic should not be used.  Do not use plastic  bottle and also do not use plastic lunch box.  Use steel  utensil .Do not use plastic bags.  Use cloth bags.  When plastic is made, many types of harmful chemicals are used in it.  When it is burnt, all these chemicals spread in the air and cause air pollution.  The smoke produced by burning plastics can cause many diseases if kept inside for a long time.  When buying it at the store, use paper or cloth bags etc.  Plastic pollution causes water, water and earth.  Plastic causes disease. plastic should not be used in micro oven.Animals are harmed by plastic.

Don’t waste food

 Food is getting wasted.  To stop the wastage of food, we should give up the habit of shopping in bulk.  Food should be given to the poor.  Food made  limited. Buy the same amount of food needed. Extra food should be shared so Don’t waste it.The cooked dinner should be given to the poor. Throw it away if spoiled. Some people waste food In Party or function You should eat that much in your plate and will not eat by filling the plate. Use the expiry date of the food item.  The poor did not get food and those poor people starve or go to sleep. Know the value of food when you are hungry . Before eating food ,the name of Mother Annapurna Devi should be taken. Food  is life, believe it.  Food is God, do the respect.

Hindi language

 Hindi is an official language i.e. the language used in the functioning of the state.  Hindi is our mother language..Hindi day is considered on 14th September. Hindi speaking is like this and all people use Hindi language.  understanding Hindi, there is a huge number of people who like it.  It is very beneficial for your self-esteem as well as your physical health.  Some people do not know how to speak Hindi.  These people speak in their second language.  This language is the identity of our Sanskrit and culture.  There are mainly three types of language, oral language, written language and sign language.Mother language means that the language which our parents and our ancestors spoke.Speaking our language builds confidence.


 Why do we light a lamp? The lamp is considered a symbol of knowledge.    Its Meaning is to spread light by removing darkness from your life.  Diyas are lit on the day of Diwali.  Ghee and Jyot wick are worshiped in the lamp, and some people complete the worship of Jyot Bati by adding mustard oil.  away from the deficiency.By lighting a lamp in the temple, God takes our mind towards light and our postive energy is developed.Light gives such light to the whole world, by which light the whole world gets light.The festival of Deepawali is called the festival of happiness, light and light.some people Some people light diyas and candles in Diwali.The whole world gets light from the rays of the sun.Vitamin D deficiency is removed by sunlight.Candle flame is good for eyes. Seeing this clears the eyes and the dirt comes out  And helps strengthen the muscles around the as.


 Lack of sleep, due to overwork, heavy food  etc because of fatigue. You must get your sleep to overcome fatigue.  Exercise should be done. Bathing removes fatigue. Due to lethargy and fatigue, there is a deficiency of some vitamins.  You meals should be eaten on time. There are two types of fatigue .  physical fatigue and mental fatigue. For physical fatigue, lemon juice and honey mixed with warm water should be drunk.  Do not eat extra food.  Drinking water is very important.  Relax your mind. Some  people have diabetes and thyroid.  Some people have tired feet.  Massage is breathing exercises.must sit in the sun.Loss of appetite, overwork, inability to concentrate is another problem in mental fatigue.

Happiness and sorrow

 Happiness and sorrow go through life together. When a person is born.  If he brings bad deeds and sins of previous birth, then he makes us bear our happiness and sorrow and When a person is born, then he  doing good and bad deeds .Remember, if you want happiness, then there should be a sense  of contentment within you. It is good to have sorrow for a short time because it shows us the enemy and friend. The reason for being  sad is because lack of knowledge,lack of value and unrest. Give love to  sad people and They should be helped.When a man's happiness comes, his ego sinks and When sadness comes, stress comes.sad people should think postive.Don't take sorrow by your nature, it is your thinking and change your thinking.Unless we know sorrow we cannot experience happiness and how will we know what happiness is?


 The identity of truth is that if a person is true, then no need to bow down to anyone.His head remains high.  A true person is not afraid of anyone and hates lies.  There are two types of truth and reality.  The practical truth is that what you have seen and heard and experienced is the same. the meaning of reality thing is that it is true for one and false for the other.  Don't let your endurance , your strength and your faith break you.  Speaking the truth removes the problems and problems in a person's life. People who lie and their life is full of sorrow .The liar has no respect.don't be afraid to tell the truth.God gives the support of true people.those who lie should be spoken to.

Save money

 Money comes and goes.  It is very difficult to earn money as much as it is difficult to save money. Control spending. Count your money. Make monthly budget for household expenses. Never borrow.  You should keep your own money.  Before shopping, make a list of what is really important.  Remember, you enjoy with friends and relatives, use the money you need.  Take care of your goals.  Invest wisely.  Learn to separate from yours needs and desires .Use credit card less.  House expenses should be done carefully.


 Courage is such a power within a human being that it is the power to change the world.  Courage’s life  These people don't pay attention. A courageous person not only lives his life well but is also helpful to his friends.  The more the inner strength of courage is irrigated, the more self-confidence, confidence and fearlessness grow.  True life is lived.  They are going to be alone to gonna change.  These  people are successful within themselves.Challenge yourself to be courageous.  Let go of your fear. Do courageous things. Be with courageous people. Learn to live in the dark.These people do not borrow from anyone.These people face trouble.


 Marriage is such a sacred bond that there should be love and trust between two people joining in the bond of marriage. Some people do not get married because they like  to be  alone. Stay away from responsibility.  Enjoy with your friends.  They don't care.  People who do marriage, problems keep going on in life.  Taking care of the house, taking care of the children , doing the housework, this is life.  Performing rituals and paths of worship is a step.  Life is a caste of marriage to get the support.  If you don't get love, there is no point in marriage.  No one gets married. Some people don't get married and it takes time to find.Feel your responsibility to get married and don't be careless.


 I like flute.  Likes to play flute.  It's great to hear.  It is good for health and the decision is taken.  The lungs are strong.  It is stronger than the diaphragm.  Memories are better by playing the flute.  Krishna ji was in love with the flute and used to play it.  You can learn music from flute.  The flute should be kept clean by wiping it with a wet cloth and should not be washed with water. Lord shiv had given a flute to lord krishna as a gift.  When shri Radha ji left his body After that he never played the flute.  Flute has no knot.  It’s is hollow. This means that do not keep the knots inside you in any way. no matter what someone does to you don't feel.     The bean does not ring, that is, do not speak until it is said. It is better to keep calm than to speak badly. it is sweet.  Meaning whenever he speaks, speak sweet. flute is made a of silver and golden.


 Oh God, give me the power that I can become a reality, I can't deceive myself, If we keep deceive  ourselves till evening, then save us from being deceived.  Grant me the power to see myself.    Give me the humility by which I could win the hearts and love of others.  Oh my god I want to see you happy and make you happy.  Grant me a melodious voice, so that I can become the medium of giving voice to others. Other respect like   me.  Like me in my presence. O Lord, give me the gift of love power.  Give me the beauty of nature  All people want me with love.  Give protection to my soul, so that I can keep myself safe and no problem because of me.  Oh my god stop my thoughts.  Do not speak evil, wrong, false talk.  O God, grant me the power of self-control, o god  give me self respect and gives the power of witnessing.


Sleep does not come to everyone these days.  Some people are not able to get complete sleep.  Some people take sleeping pills and this is loss.  Light food should be taken at night. Thinking about old things makes you sleepy .Overeating causes sleepiness. Study makes me sleepy.  Watching mobile, laptop, TV  can’t  sleep watching.  One should not drink coffee and tea at night. Meditation does not cause sleep. One should not sleep in the afternoon. Excessive sleepiness is a problem. . Do not exercise before sleeping .can’t sleep from the tension of the future.


 Everyone should  be intelligent. Learn  to take and give responsibility. One should take care of all. We should talk postive  and think well. The understanding people decide the good and bad consequences of every action.  Save money and learn how to earn money.  Have faith in your Hard work.  You should make your own career.  Smart people never give advice. The habit of intelligent people remains postive.  Behaviors remain positive.  Likes to be with positive people. Wise thinks before doing work and never tells his plan no matter how close he gets.  They do not tell the problems of the house. Those people are intelligent, they understand the feelings of others, understand the things of others, understand happiness and sorrow, understand love,


 What causes the heart to beat? We could not take note. .Keep your weight normal.  Blood pressure medicine should be taken on time. Avoid coffee.  High protein food and fiber should be eaten. Force the heart. Bicycle should be done. Yoga should be done. Swimming should be done. Comedy film, serial should be seen.  Laughing keeps the heart right.  Water must be drunk.  Do some work with relaxation.  Loss of blood causes heart palpitations.  Should check up with Docter. depression causes heartbeat.


 Obesity and body weight loss.  Shortness of breath while walking.. Too much sleep increases obesity.  UnBalanced behavior and mental stress .Fruit juice, milk should be taken to reduce obesity.  Light food should be eaten.  One should walk after eating food.  One should not drink water after eating. Do exercise. Sweets should be no eaten. Should drink Hot water. Lemon water should be drunk. Should not eat extra food.. Food should not be eaten with flour items. Eating protein food causes weight gain. No heavy food need .

Skin care

 skin care tips     Water should be drunk daily, it shines in the skin. Herbal face pack should be applied.  You should take care of your eyes.  If the night is not complete then the eyes are black, so sleep should be taken. Before sleeping, after taking off the makeup, slept. Do not use hot water. Oily food and junk food should not be eaten.  Keep skin care clean.  Wash face before sleeping at night.  Vegetable and fruits should be eaten.  Must keep smiling.apply oil to the hair and wash it on the next day.steam side effects.Steaming is also a great way to remove dead skin from the face and reduce wrinkles.


 There is no real desire for beauty.  The real qwality of beauty is that there are good thoughts from nature.  Fruits and juices should be drunk. The real beauty is the one who is not liked by the eyes, but also by the mind. There is no real desire for beauty.  The real qwality of beauty is that there are good thoughts from nature.  Fruits and juices should be drunk.   Beauty is the first gift that nature gives to laddies.Nature is beautiful with good thoughts.Being happy increases beauty.Don't be proud of your beauty.


Our body is made up of five elements.  Water, Earth, Fire, Air and Sky.  God is in everyone's soul and everyone's soul is God. No one feels it. It is necessary for him to be self-sufficient.  God is met by meditation.  God is one.Names are many. It is a pleasure to speak your heart to God. By the way, tantra, mantra, meditation and chanting are also a form of love.  Remember, if the mind is wandering somewhere else than before, then the same prayer does not happen. The best and easiest way to get God is love.  Kundalini wishes.  "God's will" - "God Himself will."  It can happen with that wish too.  This is your God's will.  And the will of God is to love.  His desire is to give you the observance of Shukityas and his zodiac sign.  This is desire.  It's gone and dormant for you.  This time it has worked perfectly.  and settles its behavior.  You can't complete it until you complete it.  After having happ...

Noise pollution

 Noise pollution is on the rise.  Bursting or damage to the eardrum.  ear infection.  There is a reason for pain in the ear.  Factories, traffic, transportation, sound of train, sound of airplane cause pollution.  The sound of the voice could have deteriorated health.  There is noise of weddings and firecrackers .  Birds abandon animals due to noise pollution.  The use of pressure horn in vehicles with loud and hoarse noise should be banned. To reduce the noise of all types of vehicles, it should be made legally mandatory to install silencers.  Establishment of airports and factories should be done away from densely populated areas.  Don't go into the noisy world.

Old memories

 I Miss the 90s and is not forgotten .  Used to go to Rajasthan on holidays.  Used to carry school bags to do school homework.  Used to on the roof, used to sleep at Night.  Used to eat on the terrce.The family used to be together.  Every day on Sunday we watch chandrkata ,Mahabharat,Krishna,Ramayana etc and we watch Panch, Shriman ji and Shrimatiji, Tu Tu Main, Dekh Bhai comedy serials and cartoons.  We meet the same way we go to see a movie in the cinema hall.  Write to related and friends, now everything has come in the internet. Talk used to be done in land phone and it is easy to talk in mobile.  Used to listen to songs in audio cast and watch movies in VCR.  Pinky, Chacha Chaudhary, used to read lot pot comics, read magazines.  New tachology has arrived.  Used to go to the wedding and enjoy with everyone.

Garlic chatni

  I love garlic chutney. Its garlic paratha is good. I will tell you the recipe of garlic chutney. First of all, take two cloves of garlic and remove its peel. Take an onion. After chopping garlic and onion, put turmeric, red chili powder, coriander powder, salt in the mixer. Add some water and grind it. Heat vegetable oil in a pan. After adding cumin, put the chutney in the pan. Keep stirring when the oil starts leaving the edge, then switch off the gas. Serve with roti or khichdi.

Child labour

 Child labor Children of people from 5 years to 14 years work. These children are unable to go to school. Their parents are poor.  They don't have much money, they unable live.They need more money. They take their children to work. Poverty  must be eradicated to stop child labour.  The second solution is the spread of education, because the illiterate person does not understand child labor.  If education is promoted, then child labor will be stopped and people will be aware of child labor.  Childrens food should be given. Clothes should be given.  Somewhere people do forced work.

Train travel

 I love train travel.  Mountains, rivers  trees from outside the window Nice to see.I like to listen to music while traveling.  I love to read books. Train travel is for us enjoy travel.  We gives all the experiences and benefits, which brings peace to our mind.  Enjoys traveling with family.  Easy sleeping. When the train stops at any station, then takes some  food . cook food from home and eat in train.Remember in train travel.

autobiography of bread

 I am very  soft ( bread) roti.  The world is impossible to live without me.  Everyone eats me with love.  I am important Keep  in everyone's life. I Passed  my life as bread. I  feed  hungry people.  I was born on the farm and the farmer gave me the IIfe.  Made me come from wheat.  People bought me and brought me home. everyone kneaded me by adding water. Make a circle by rolling  it  and keep the  roti on the pan and heat it and eat it .  Everyone is happy to eat me. Some love and respect me. I eat it by making parantha , pudi or whatey. Cow eats kipper me live on the show.    


 The brains belong to parts .Everyone's work is different such as memory, speaking, thinking work.  Drink cold liquids to cool down the brain.  Whatever we eat has a proven effect in the mind.  Due to sugar, it stop  the nutrients and proteins in the body.  Dry fruits should be eaten.  By meditating, the work of the mind starts new.  Green vegetables and fruits should be eaten.  One should not think too much about the future and the past. Do daily routine meditation for the mind.  Keep doing something new.  Somebody should play the game.  Keep your mind busy till the negativity goes out of your mind.


 Mistakes happen the most and every wrongdoer seeks forgiveness from others.  We should learn from mistakes in our life.  Until we learn the important lessons of life.    Don't regret your mistakes, mistakes are good.  If you are smart, don't forgive people until they understand their mistakes.  Pray to Shri Mataji for the condition of accepting the Glatio.  We should speak to God that we should forgive any mistake or mistake made by us.  Take a witness for this.  Don't get attached to your ego or inertia.  Avoid giving immediate feedback.  Try to keep your word later when the situation becomes normal.  If you have done wrong or unrighteous act or have done any act against the soul, then admit your mistake in front of Shri Mataji.  face a mistake.  No need to clarify.  Say Shri Mataji, next time I will not do this.    Pray to Mata Shri Mataji that I am a holy soul, please free me from guilt.  ...


 The family is a compulsive support for the human being.  In the family, they learn from language, customs and tradition.  Joint  families used to live together and now a days people of one family have started living separately.  Family supports trouble and come in handy in happiness and sorrow.  One should love and respect each other in the family.  Never share the matter of the house with people outside.  Shouldn't complain.  Be happy with family and enjoy.  Eating with family is the greatest pleasure.     Where children's heads are blessed by elders.  Your family should compromise its strength, not weakness. One should serve each other. Those who use the value of the family, do not break the agreement.The family saves us from the hardships and feel a sense of belonging.The definition of family freedom is where we can breathe freely


 Thoughts come to our mind.  Motivate others.  Remove the thing with which there is a problem. You should keep yourself busy.  Positive thinking increases self-confidence, removes problems like blood pressure and leads to good sleep.  Stay away from negative thinking people, people who always have negative thoughts or talk like this.  Negative thoughts are the feelings at the bottom of our mind, which cause harm to others.  Stay away from negative people.  Make exercise a part of your daily routine.  Listen  Music  Must be happy  Life is precious.  Keep on donating.  Worship should be continued.  You should focus on your work.People remain empty, because of us negative thinking comes and should not be empty. think future plans.Some people think too much.  Even if they do not have any problem, yet they think about any problem for themselves and keep bothering themselves about that matter.  When you keep ...


 Love is not felt, it is felt and experienced.  Love comes from the heart not from the mind.  Everyone loves true love.  There is a different type to love, love happens to anyone.  Being in love is not a bad thing.  Love yourself first.  Know your quality.  Don't get carried away in love.  Talk openly from your heart. Love is the greatest gift given by God to man.  There is no selfishness in love.  ,  When we give love to others, we have received love in return.  Remember, if someone does not love us, then do not be disappointed.  We should move forward in life.  There is power and strength in love.  Love makes a person more understanding, tolerant, humble and kind.  Love gives a newness and freshness to life.  Love fills life with juice and romance.  When you are in love you start feeling good and positive in everything.  Love teaches us a lot.


 We should speak melodious voice. Those who listen to it like it.  By talking in the right way, both the listener and the speaker have got the happiness.  words have life . Always speak the truth.  If it doesn't make any sense, it is better to remain silent.  One should speak thoughtfully.  One should speak with love.  Do not talk to anyone by shouting.  No one should  use wrong words and abuses. It is best to remain silent because do not useless your speech.  One should speak to other's minds.  Good thoughts come from speaking sweet words.  The ego of the mind is removed.  Keep your voice pure.

Will power

 Will power is under everyone.  Someone's power is less or more.  Make your own promises for your will power, then practice later.  All type  work should be done in daily routine.  Force your focus power.   One should not always listen to the mind, it reduces the power .Daily should meditate. Don't be lazy. Do any work to do.  We forgive pure will power.  bestows the qualities of intense bliss, pure love, compassion and artistic abilities.

Ego and proud

 There is a difference between ego and proud.  Ego is of knowledge. Ego can be changed with good. But not proud.  Proud  is of power and status.  Remember you see your praise .  Remember, you should praise yourself, they say proud. True love cannot be done without leaving egoism. Human beings have their own mistakes and they don't like it.  Make sense of their work.  The ego does not allow the energy to decrease or increase - because when the energy increases or decreases, the ego sees its destruction.  We should not be spoils your mind.ignore the arrogant.


 Honor your soul.  Remember, if you do not respect your soul, you will keep running after useless things.  If you respect yourself, others will respect you too.  If you listen carefully to others, then you have a lot of respect in their eyes.  It is an honor to help each other.  One should respect others, respect one's efforts, respect oneself.  Self-respect leads to self-discipline.  With love comes respect.  Take care of your personality.  Look at your mistakes.  Think well of yourself.  Always think positive.  Always respect the feelings of others.  If you respect yourself, others will respect you too.


 Every person feels fear in a different way. Fear is related to himself. People who believe in themselves and control fear with the power of their thinking.  Try to face it. Make friends with fearless people. Always positive thinking and read good books. Do not accept fear.  We should see what  scares us .Must be confident, courageous, confident and fearless.  Don't think about old things.  I adore Durga Devi a lot.  I am not afraid of anyone because his mother goddess protects us.  Once you keep them happy, there is nothing in the world to be afraid of.


 Why are some people stingy because they save money for the future.  The miser neither donates nor helps anyone.  They themselves remain worried. They should not be so stingy that He have a problem in feeding someone or giving water.  Don't hesitate to talk with love.  Donate , don't be miserly.  Most of the miserliness is not good but open hand is not good thinking that your future should do whatever you want.  It's okay to be stingy but don't be too much.  After death, you have to leave everything.  You should spend wisely.  God gives victory and blesses him.  Keep your heart big.miserly can”t do anything in life.The miserly people save their money and advantage it to others