Skin problem
Skin problems are caused by bacteria or fungus getting trapped in the pores. It is caused due to jln and itching in the skin. vitamin D deficiency also affects the skin. The skin becomes dry, red. Itching is more. Many people start getting acne. For that use ice packs. Steam should be taken. Apply aloe vera jel . Avoid eating oily food. Do not eat unhealthy Some people do not have skin glow because they lack sleep, attention and work, cannot take care of the skin. You should drink juice. Sometimes the skin for face pack of your should be applied. Milk Cream should be applied. Water should be drunk. We should be happy. Sleep should be taken. Fruits should be eaten. Tention should not be done. The skin becomes dirty due to dusty soil, pollution. You should wash your skin.Keep a smile on your skin.
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