I like flute. Likes to play flute. It's great to hear. It is good for health and the decision is taken. The lungs are strong. It is stronger than the diaphragm. Memories are better by playing the flute. Krishna ji was in love with the flute and used to play it. You can learn music from flute. The flute should be kept clean by wiping it with a wet cloth and should not be washed with water. Lord shiv had given a flute to lord krishna as a gift. When shri Radha ji left his body After that he never played the flute. Flute has no knot. It’s is hollow. This means that do not keep the knots inside you in any way. no matter what someone does to you don't feel. The bean does not ring, that is, do not speak until it is said. It is better to keep calm than to speak badly. it is sweet. Meaning whenever he speaks, speak sweet. flute is made a of silver and golden.
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