Home problems
Home problems happen to everyone. The family don’t blong to anyone.Those people don't talk to each other. Some people Do not respect each other. Don’t compare each other. They talk badly about each other. They do not service the elders. They Do not love each other. Children learn by watching others. Bad effects on children. you have to change your thinking. you should keep yourself calm. Talk openly about family issues .your anger should be kept calm. in the morning daily bhajan sunder kaand , Geeta path and Ramayana path should be read. Meditation gives peace of mind. Elders should be respected. Due to bad karma in previous birth, one has to suffer in birth itself.. Donating solves the problem . Small things should not be thrown out. It is best to remain silent. Don't think negative accept your mistakes . Along with your own drawbacks , you should also recognize the shortcomings of others. Avoid the blame game or blaming each other. The one who has wronged you should be forgiven. No one gets bigger by apologizing. You should say sorry for your mistake. Some people cannot improve and should be left to their fate. You will know when the time comes. You should be busy in your life, it keeps the mind fresh. The broken and useless things in the house should be removed.. Water should be given to the sun.
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