Liver treatment

 Due to more thinking and planning, living in the future, working more on the liver, then it becomes hot. As the liver represents meditation, our attention becomes weak, we cannot keep it within ourselves.  Symptoms Like jaundice, we have to cool the liver by using liverdiet (see liverdiet). Use ice pack to problem is may experience a feeling of heat (or even pain in extreme cases) in the area of ​​the liver .This can manifest in a lack of focus and concentration.Pay attention, and inevitably this will prevent the victim from going deeper. one of the first signs of Problematic liver will probably have difficulties with attention, too many Thoughts. that the heart nourishes the joy that comes from the soul.lives in the heart, and if it is damaged it is very difficult for one to develop this sense of happiness within yourself, or may even feel it over a very short period of time.  These are among the reasons they  special attention to this physical problem and has given us a special diet which should be followed

   Heals very quickly. Along with giving us this prescribed diet.LIVE DIET.SUGAR: that sugar is the food of the liver.  This is cane sugar, not beet sugar.

 Tate & Lyle and Sainsburys sugar is cane sugar, other makes use of beet.  There is also a type of sugar known

 as sugar candy or rock sugar which is available from most Indian shops -its use is described under Black Kokum below. BLACK KOKUM: This is a type of fruit which can be bought from most Indian stores.  We make a drink

 out of these little fruits (they look like prunes but are not sweet).  The method is simply to pour boiling water over a small handful of Kokum in a jug, together with roughly the same amount of the above sugar candy.The mixture should then be left overnight and drunk the next day as normal beverage, in place of tea and coffee.GINGER: Ginger in almost any form is good for the liver.  In particular. to take some in the morning in a spoon mixed with sugar and followed by a glass of water!  Crystallised. Ginger is also very good.  This mixture should NOT however, be taken in very hot climates or hot.CHANA: This is known as chick peas, and can be bought dry roasted or uncooled for making 'dhall' or soups etc.  Chick peas are very good for the whole Nabhi Chakra.FRUIT: Generally most fruit is good for the Nabhi Chakra.  In particular grapes are good, and grape juice in its pure form is also very beneficial. VEGETABLES all good in general.  Radish, special the leaves boiled as tea, sweetened with candy sugar,

 cooled down, drink instead of water for at least 3 days.


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