
Showing posts from April, 2022

Good thoughts

 Good thought  1. pray as if everything   depends on god,   and try as if everything  depends on you.  2. If you're alone...  control your thoughts  And  be with everyone…  so keep your tongue under control. 3. sincere people  even in life  be left alone  but such people  God definitely gives along. 4. any relationship you want  don't join because you  When.. Where.. Whom to meet?  Only the above decides. 5. best gift to give to someone,  To understand his feelings and give him respect.


 Some people like to live in the mountains  Because there is pollution in the city and village.  Some people go to the hill station to roam. Pollution is less in hilly areas.  It cold weather. If the mountain purifies the air, the water level of the land also increases. The mountain is a treasure trove of many miraculous herbs and medicines. Some  people are generally good, straightforward, simple and brave. With increasing altitude, there is a shortage of oxygen in the mountains. People living in mountainous areas are more prone to iodine problems. The food of the hill people is very simple. People there do not eat much fried and spicy food. There is peace of mind and it feels good to meditate.


 Many varieties of coffee are grown in India, which are in different types of soil. Coffee is a famous beverage and people love to drink it. Made from roasted seeds of the coffee tree. Drinking too much coffee can increase blood pressure. Drinking too much coffee causes the problem of not sleeping. Drinking coffee daily reduces the risk of heart disease. Drinking coffee does not have a headache and has energy. Thinking power improves and skills improve. To make black coffee, just put a small spoonful of coffee powder in hot water and black coffee is ready. Cocoa powder can be mixed with milk, cream, and sugar to make ordinary coffee more flavorful. Add coffee, sugar and ice cubes to the water and put them in the mixer and mix them well, take cold coffee is ready.

Types of onion

 types of onions  Types of onion    1. Shallots - Subtle taste, sweet with slight pungency, great for egg dishes, vinaigrettes and garnishes.   2. White Onion- Crunchy, high water content, pungent, large, mostly used in Mexican cooking.   3. Red Onion – Mild, best raw, crunchy, adds color to guacamole, in salsas, pickles, sliced ​​salads, on burgers and in sandwiches.   4. Sweet Onions - Vedalia and Vala, Thick Layers, Frying Onion Rings, Backed Gartin and French Onion Soup.   5. Yellow Onion - Spicy and pungent which becomes soft when cooked, dissolves well due to high sugar content.


 Grapes are produced the most in Maharashtra. These diseases stay away from eating grapes in summer. There are different types of grapes. Vitamin A is found in abundance in grapes beneficial for the eyes. Gets away from allergies.  Diabetic people should eat. Eating grapes keeps the stomach clean.  Keeps blood pressure under control. Black grapes contain a good amount of fiber which helps in reducing sugar level.. Black grapes are rich in calories, fiber, vitamin C and vitamin E. Potassium is high in red grapes.  The amount of potassium in the body should not be reduced.

Online business

 Online business has benefits.  You can do online job or business at home and there is no need to go out of the house. You do not need much money to start an online business. You can easily start your business in less money. Do research on the Internet for work, due to which you get to learn about new things. Neither will there be any pressure on you.  You will be free to take any kind of decision. Can do online job or business anywhere and spend with family. People working online can save money in many ways.


 You must have these 5 hobbies      1. Must earn money.    2. Keep yourself fit.    3. Always be creative.    4. Your knowledge should be increased.    5. Always develop your mindset.   6. Must move to a new place.    7. Exercise should be done daily.    8. Change your life.    9. Learn a foreign language.    10. Swimming should be done.


  Courage is such a power within a human being that it is the power to change the world.  Courage’s life  These people don't pay attention. A courageous person not only lives his life well but is also helpful to his friends.  The more the inner strength of courage is irrigated, the more self-confidence, confidence and fearlessness grow.  True life is lived.  They are going to be alone to gonna change.  These  people are successful within themselves.Challenge yourself to be courageous.  Let go of your fear. Do courageous things. Be with courageous people. Learn to live in the dark.These people do not borrow from anyone.These people face trouble.


 Saffron plant is small in size.  Saffron is used in various medicines, and foods. Flavor can also be used to make ice cream. Not only does the use of saffron bring many benefits to your body, but it also prevents many diseases from occurring.  It also helps in curing disease when it occurs.  Saffron can be a good option for those who want to lose body weight. Helps maintain healthy eyes. Saffron is very hot.  If you put saffron on the tongue and taste it, then you will feel bitter in eating it.  This is the identity of real saffron.  Real saffron leaves its color slowly in the water.  Digestion: Consumption of saffron milk can help in removing stomach related problems. Saffron is used in diseases, eyesight, women's menstrual cycle, sharpening of the mind, headache and many other diseases.

Hand and foot care

 foot care  1  Massaging the feet with salt cleanses.   2.  For cracked heels, mix lemon juice in warm water and soak your feet.  then scrub.  3. Foot cream not only moisturizes the feet but also keeps cracked feet soft.  4. Take care of your nails Take care of your nails from time to time.   hand care  1. The use of olive oil is a great way to make dry and lifeless hands beautiful.  2. If we do not moisturize them after washing hands, then dryness of hands increases and definitely apply good cream or lotion. 3.If the skin layer of the hands is coming off, then you can fix it with aloe vera gel.  4. You can also scrub hands with things like rice, flour, gram flour.

letter journey

 In the old times, some people used to post and write letters to each other. There  is happiness in contemplating by writing a letter. There are many means of communication in today's time.  From mobile phones, e-mails to Facebook, WhatsApp and many other social media platforms, people connect with each other. Was Waiting for someone's letter to arrive. There  was a sense of belonging in the letters. Someone people to send information about to strengthen those facing exams, to know someone's news, to encourage brothers and sisters engaged in special responsibilities. In the past, the kind of satisfaction that we used to get by reading the letter in our mind, today where do we get that satisfaction by reading  sms in the phone.


 Many essential elements like fiber, potassium, calcium and vitamin C are found in banana. Iron deficiency in the body can be removed by the consumption of banana. By eating banana after eating food, digestion happens properly, there is no hunger quickly, blood sugar level is low. Some people eat banana shakes , cake, chats and sandwiches. Raw banana vegetable is made. Bananas of God are offered.  Monkeys like bananas and mangos. Tamil Nadu is the largest producer of bananas. People who have complaints of flatulence and constipation and they shouldn’t eat. Banana consumption can be harmful for sugar patients. Asthma patients should avoid the consumption of bananas.


 Loneliness is a feeling in which people experience emptiness and solitude very intensely. Being alone in life is not easy.  Some people like to be alone.  Some people are troubled by married life and live alone separately. no one stays with you forever, learn to be alone. never lose hope no matter how lonely you are. Talk to people you enjoy talking to, meet them.  Talk to new and good minded people, increase social interaction. Learn a new language or something new. Do exercises, Yoga. Play your favourite  game. Go for a movie to be happy alone in. Being with someone teaches you to make many changes inside yourself.  You cannot live with someone without making changes. Such people are full of confidence and positive thinking. Sometimes it's better to be alone and No one can hurt you.

Different types of milk

 Different  types of milk   1. Soya milk- Soy milk is actually given to those children who are allergic to ordinary cow or buffalo milk or who do not like the lactose present in these milk.  Contains naturally occurring essential fatty acids, protein and fiber. 2. Goat’s milk - Goat's milk is equal to cow's milk in terms of nutrition, so it can be included in the child's diet after the age of one year, Calcium, Vitamin B6, Vitamin A, Potassium, Niacin, Copper  , and it is far ahead in terms of the antioxidant selenium.  Goat's milk also lacks folic acid. 3. Buffalo milk - Buffalo milk has the highest amount of fat and is the best source of calcium.  The amount of vitamin A, protein, iron, chisium phosphorous is much more than that of cow's milk. 4. Cow milk  - Start feeding cow's milk only when your baby is 1 year old as it has very less iron content.

Good night

 1. Only those who want to fulfill them understand the value of dreams.  2. The lamp fights with the darkness throughout the night, only then does the light, you also fight and light up.  3. If you are settled in your heart, take care If you get time, remember We are used to remembering you, Sorry if you feel bad. 4. Whose words have great sweetness,  In whom the heart has great faith, be a little afraid of such people. Because he is special to everyone. Jai mataji 


 Rice, included in the daily diet, supplies the body with complex carbohydrates and B vitamins. Eating rice reduces weghit.  Keeps the heart healthy. Blood sugar is controlled. There may also be complaints of flatulence and acidity due to eating more rice.  Rice is not eaten on Ekadashi. Eating rice gives energy. Rice should not be eaten much, it increases obesity.  Gas is formed.  There is a risk of becoming diabetic. rice is cold. Rice bran is rich in fiber and helps in increasing your metabolism.

Rain season

 I love rain. The weather gets cold because of the rain. Some people take bath in the rain. Trees and plants bloom in this season.  There is greenery all around. Rivers fill with water. In the rainy season, drink tea with hot snacks. The first rain releases happy hormones like endorphins and serotonin hormones.  In such a situation, the person remains stress free and feels himself very happy. Dengue occurs in the rainy season, keep your cooler clean and do not allow water to accumulate in the house. Farmer waits for rain for his good harvest. Rainbow is often seen in the rainy season and children are happy to see.

Today”s things

 You should leave these things today.    1. Overthinking and remember  old things.   2. Afraid from your change.  3.  please  speak.  4. Afraid to be different.  5.  consider yourself weak. 6. To Tell your sorrow  everyone. 7.  Share your income with everyone. 8. share your plans with others. 9. Leaving happiness for others. 10. to dishonor.


 The benefits of walking  1. It’s good for our heart.   2. It can prove coordination and balance.   3. It increases our exposure to vitamin D. 4. It helps reduce stress.  5. It helps us maintain a healthy weghit.  6. It improves our blood pressure.  7. It improves how we feel. 8. It boosts creativity.  9. Gut identity. 10. It increase our energy.

Good thought

A  Selfishness is revealed by increasing closeness to him and selfless is known when distance from him increases.  B. Always be happy because being happy is the biggest punishment for those who wish you badly. C. Keep in mind that even when angry,  A person who keeps himself calm is always called a great man. D. Whoever supports you even after tolerating your anger, remember that no one can love you more than that. E. Your troubles of the day will end only then  When your mind and mind will be calm and still.

Mehndi (heena)

Mehndi is being practiced not only in this new era but from a long time ago. It is applied on hands, feet, arms etc. Applying henna keeps the body cool.  Some apply henna in their hair.By applying mehndi, the love between the bride and groom increases.  It is also believed that the more red the color of mehndi, the deeper the love of both. Chemicals called PPD and diamine are present in the henna applied in the market, which can cause infection of the skin. Mehndi is used in festivals and weddings or in any function.

Good morning

Good morning  1. Somebody lacking money or money Because he was not  poor. man poor It happens because of your thinking. 2. On your mind and your feelings learn to control Both of these are like car fuel who live your life. right help you run. 3. learning, caring and  for the purpose of celebrating Every day is a good day. 4. Even if you love the good and the truth search all over the world, if it not in your heart  So you can’t find it anywhere else. 5. Not to take revenge, Think about bringing change. 6. Both pain and happiness are very good teachers. Because. both of them have their own. circumstances. I have learned a lot from us.

Jai mataji

 According to Hindu beliefs, Navratri is celebrated twice a year. Shri  Durga Devi Shakti is the main goddess of Hindus who is also known by the names Devi, Shakti and Parvati, Jagdamba and etc. The ride of Bhagwati Durga is a lion.  Durga Aarti and Durga Chalisa are recited in the worship of Durga ji. Every day a different form of  shri Durga Devi is worshipped.  Also known as Navadurga. Girls are considered as the form of Goddess and are considered to be the most sacred. Shri  Durga Devi  killed Mahishasura  after 9 days of war.  On this occasion, this festival is celebrated for 9 days. Shri Durga Devi  loves all of us.  Worship should be done with contemplation.