
 A person is identified by his qualities.  Lying, losing your temper when talking, humiliating and insulting others, taking pride in yourself is a sign of your selfishness.

   People who overestimate themselves are usually mean and selfish.  They go to any extent to fulfill their meaning.  Often we meet people who think only of themselves.  Such people easily do great harm to others even for their small gains.  Selfish people are never satisfied and they always hope to get more and more.  Stop being selfish.  Change your attitude. Keep Remember that you alone are more important than the rest of the people, feel bad about someone's talk.  And keep quiet because there is no advantage by fighting.  to help someone  You should stay from Emandar.  Some awaken new things for themselves in love.  km from selfish  There are some people who forget when the work is over.  And the anger ensues.  Let such people do it, it is karma.  God gives  of good and bad deeds.  Feeling bad about something or bothered by selfish people.  Ignore the care.  Self.  should be made good.


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